San Bernardino
12 - Inland Counties
Reporting Organization
License No
Type of Control
Non-profit Corporation (incl. Church-related)
Report Period
01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021

System Report

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1. Policy Statement

Supplier Diversity Policy Statement

At Providence, we are guided by our Mission, and vision of Health for a Better World to support healthy and equitable communities. That includes supporting economic health by investing in diverse and inclusive suppliers and business enterprises. As an anchor institution in the communities in which we serve, our care extends beyond our hospital walls to impact community growth and economic health, through strategic, transformative procurement opportunities. Supplier diversity spend performance is a key business strategy at Providence with collaborative engagement across internal stakeholders and various outreach programs. This commitment is exemplified by executive leadership and communicated to all employees.

2. Supplier Point of Contact, Outreach and Communication

Supplier Point of Contact

Outreach and Communication

How does your hospital encourage and seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

"Resource, Engineering and Hospitality (REH) manages the supplier relationship life cycle from on-boarding, contracting, procurement and payment. Diverse suppliers are identified during on-boarding and provided opportunities to meet with matched business owners or mentors to answer questions and provide support where needed. As procurement opportunities arise, REH will search for qualified existing diverse suppliers and potential new suppliers through a third-party diverse supplier search engine to provide inclusive and practical contract opportunities. "

How does your hospital encourage its employees involved in procurement to seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

"Providence has a rich tradition of serving our communities, especially those who are poor and vulnerable. As we have witnessed recent supply chain disruptions, it has become clearer how much our communities need the commitment and persistence of organizations that deeply believe in being part of the solution. Providence's policy requires employees to consider supplier diversity inclusion during the RFP, contracting and procurement processes. Strategic contracting opportunities are identified with targeted performance metrics for growth and impact. Additionally, regular performance reports ensure we are expanding our diverse supplier community in both spend and engagement. "

How does your hospital conduct outreach and communication to minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

"For generations, Providence has partnered with organizations that share our Mission to address complex issues in our communities. Community wealth building and supplier diversity are no different. We are accelerating our efforts to increase outreach and partner with minority, women, LGBT and veteran business enterprises in the months and years to come. Providence is committed to proactively growing relationships with local and diverse suppliers through multiple outreach channels, including our participation with local and national non-profit organizations that support supplier diversity outreach programs in the communities we serve. Providence continues to grow our participation in several non-profit organizations and local chambers of commerce outreach programs to meet our next potential supplier in their local service area. Identifying new sourcing channels, facilitating supplier meetings, and advancing equality with economic opportunity will support resiliency in our community."

3. Diverse Supplier Spending

Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
African American $21,850.00 - $21,850.00
Hispanic American $66,862.00 - $66,862.00
Native American $0.00 - $0.00
Asian Pacific $41,831.00 - $41,831.00
Unknown Minority $78,197.00 - $78,197.00
Total $208,740.00 - $208,740.00

Diverse Procurement Spending by Other

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
Minority* $208,740.00 - $208,740.00
Women $313,347.00 - $313,347.00
LGBTQ $0.00 - $0.00
Disabled Veteran $31,429.00 - $31,429.00
Less Duplicate Amount (-) -$8,899.00 - -$8,899.00
Combined Total $544,617.00 - $544,617.00

*Total from the Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority table.

What is your hospital's total procurement (including diverse and non-diverse suppliers)?


4. Certifications and Third Party Procurement


How does your hospital support organizations that promote or certify minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

"Our caregivers connect with like-minded procurement specialists at other health systems to share and spread promising practices. One way we do this is through a nonprofit called the Health Anchor Network, which supports health systems in their strategies to deploy all assets to improve community health and strengthen local economies. One of the priorities of the network, of which Providence is a founding member, is to encourage health systems across the country to participate in sustainable and inclusive purchasing practices. Additionally, REH encourages our Tier I suppliers to adopt our supplier diversity commitment and report Tier II diverse supplier spend against established performance commitments."

Do you require suppliers to be certified?


Do you accept self-certification?


Third-Party Procurement

5. Other Relevant Information

"*Tier II Spend is reported at the System Level **For reporting the Hospital’s Total Procurement, Providence elected to exclude several spend categories that do not accurately represent actual vendor spend per hospital. The spend categories excluded from Providence’s reported Total Spend include: • Salary, Benefit, and Travel expenses • Utilities expenses • Interest and Tax expenses • Depreciation and Building Lease expenses • Pharmaceutical (pharmacy) expenses • Insurance & Internal Transfer expenses • Charitable donations"

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