Palomar Health Escondido
Combined spend between Palomar Medical Center Escondido (106374382) and Palomar Medical Center Downtown Escondido (106370755)
Reporting Organization
1. Diverse Supplier Spending
Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority
For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.
Business Ownership | Tier 1 Procurement | Tier 2 Procurement | Total Procurement |
African American | - | - | - |
Hispanic American | - | - | - |
Native American | - | - | - |
Asian Pacific | - | - | - |
Unknown Minority | $431,347.00 | - | $431,347.00 |
Total | $431,347.00 | - | $431,347.00 |
Diverse Procurement Spending by Other
For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.
Business Ownership | Tier 1 Procurement | Tier 2 Procurement | Total Procurement |
Minority* | $431,347.00 | - | $431,347.00 |
Women | $246,669.00 | - | $246,669.00 |
LGBTQ | - | - | - |
Disabled Veteran | $130,923.00 | - | $130,923.00 |
Less Duplicate Amount (-) | - | - | - |
Combined Total | $808,939.00 | - | $808,939.00 |
*Total from the Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority table.
What is your system's total procurement (including diverse and non-diverse suppliers)?
2. Supplier Certification
Do you require suppliers to be certified?
Do you accept self-certification?
3. Other Relevant Information
Combined spend between PMC Escondido and PMC Downtown Escondido (no longer open).