09 - Central
Reporting Organization
Valley Children's Hospital
License No
Type of Control
Non-profit Corporation (incl. Church-related)
Report Period
01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023
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1. Policy Statement

Supplier Diversity Policy Statement

Valley Children’s is committed to creating and ensuring a diverse workplace across all aspects of our network – from patient care and honoring the diversity of our families to our workforce, medical staff, volunteers, vendors, suppliers and community benefit investments.

2. Supplier Point of Contact, Outreach and Communication

Supplier Point of Contact

Outreach and Communication

How does your hospital encourage and seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

We have a Hospital Supplier Diversity Program web portal for interested diverse vendors to contact us. This provides information on how to submit a brief summary of prospective capabilities. Our purchasing protocols call for wide distribution of potential opportunities for contracts, supply needs, service vendors, and related activities to prospective suppliers. We continue to search for the best supplier that can meet Valley Children’s needs, regardless of race, ethnicity or sexual orientation of the supplier.

How does your hospital encourage its employees involved in procurement to seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

Our Procurement and Sourcing Teams have received training regarding our Supplier Diversity Program. They are encouraged to seek locally diverse vendors who can meet the needs of our hospital. We continue to search for the best supplier that can meet Valley Children’s needs, regardless of race, ethnicity or sexual orientation of the supplier.

How does your hospital conduct outreach and communication to minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

We have developed a framework for our Supplier Diversity Program and Website through our hospital based Diversity Task Force. This Task Force includes representatives from Supply Chain, Marketing/Communications, and Community Outreach Departments. We are building ways to communicate with and provide information and resources for minority, women, LGBTQ+ and disabled-veteran businesses in our community by utilizing our extensive network and affiliations with area Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Corporations, Workforce Investment Boards, community foundations and similar groups to help share information about Valley Children's.

3. Diverse Supplier Spending

Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
African American $0.00 $21.00 $21.00
Hispanic American $313,169.00 $0.00 $313,169.00
Native American $1,596.00 $0.00 $1,596.00
Asian Pacific $19,922.00 $459.00 $20,381.00
Unknown Minority $1,657,080.00 $818,168.00 $2,475,248.00
Total $1,991,767.00 $818,648.00 $2,810,415.00

Diverse Procurement Spending by Other

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
Minority* $1,991,767.00 $818,648.00 $2,810,415.00
Women $4,253,928.00 $347,525.00 $4,601,453.00
LGBTQ $109.00 $0.00 $109.00
Disabled Veteran $31,661.00 $619.00 $32,280.00
Less Duplicate Amount (-) -$747,488.00 -$40,288.00 -$787,776.00
Combined Total $5,529,977.00 $1,126,504.00 $6,656,481.00

*Total from the Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority table.

What is your hospital's total procurement (including diverse and non-diverse suppliers)?


4. Certifications and Third Party Procurement


How does your hospital support organizations that promote or certify minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

As noted above, we continue to develop and utilize our extensive community networks across the region, including Chambers of Commerce, economic development corporations, and others. As an example, Valley Children’s partnered with the Southwest Fresno Economic Development Corporation, a not-for-profit business organization serving Southwest Fresno, a predominantly African-American community in Fresno County. Our partnership is intended to support, in part, the area’s job training and small business incubation efforts as they relate to food production--- ultimately, to help to contribute to lower food insecurity rates in the neighborhood, increased job skills, and future business enterprises that may be possible suppliers to our organization.

Do you require suppliers to be certified?


Do you accept self-certification?


Third-Party Procurement

5. Other Relevant Information

As no direction is given for how to categorize the "Disadvantaged" diverse certification, we chose to include it in our "Minority" category. This decision is based on Federal Code Title 13/Chapter 1/Part 124/ Subpart A as well as the USDOT's definition of "disadvantaged" groups. The USDOT states: "The Department presumes certain groups are disadvantaged, including women, Black American, Hispanic American, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Subcontinent Asian-Pacific Americans, and other minorities..."