Helping to Build a Healthy California
Submit an application for loan insurance on a construction project.
The Cal-Mortgage Loan Insurance Program (Cal-Mortgage) administers the California Health Facility Construction Loan Insurance Program (Program). Cal-Mortgage provides credit enhancement for eligible healthcare facilities when they borrow money for capital needs. Cal-Mortgage insured loans are guaranteed by the “full faith and credit” of the State of California. This guarantee permits borrowers to obtain lower interest rates, similar to the rates received by the State of California. Get more information on Cal-Mortgage history and authorizing legislation.
Loan Insurance Application Process
To be eligible for loan insurance, the borrower must be either a California, nonprofit public benefit corporation or a political subdivision. In addition, it must be organized to own and operate a health facility and assure that its services are, or will be, available to all persons residing in the facility’s service area. Loans may be insured to finance or refinance the construction of new facilities; to acquire existing buildings; to expand, modernize, or renovate existing buildings; or to finance fixed or movable equipment needed to operate the facility.
Eligibility requirements are detailed in the following legislation:
Steps in the Process
The Application includes a Supporting Documents Checklist outlining the complete list of documentation that must be submitted. The Application and documentation are to be completed and submitted electronically through the Application Portal. The Application and Supporting Documents Checklist is available to review in advance of online submission. Please note that all information and documentation submitted are considered public records under the California Public Records Act and are open to inspection and duplication by the public.
- Preliminary Review (No fees due at this time): It is encouraged to apply early in the process for a preliminary review to determine eligibility. In this first step, an Application and specific documents are submitted, including audited financial statements, form 990s, articles of incorporation, and bylaws. Upon review, staff will inform the borrower of their eligibility status and provide guidance on how to proceed through the application process. A site visit may be scheduled.
- Application Submission and Review: When eligibility is determined, the next step is to submit all documentation outlined in the Supporting Documents Checklist (documentation may be submitted incrementally) and, if applicable, update the Application. A $500 non-refundable application fee is due at this stage. After review of the complete Application and supporting documents, staff will prepare a Project Summary and Feasibility Analysis (PSFA). The PSFA includes a recommendation for the Application with a proposed set of conditions that must be met prior to the issuance of loan insurance. The Cal-Mortgage Deputy Director will determine if the Application should be recommended for review by the Advisory Loan Insurance Committee (Committee).
- Review by the Advisory Loan Insurance Committee: The Application will be scheduled for presentation at a public meeting to the Committee for review. The Committee, composed of healthcare and finance industry experts, provides the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) Director with additional analysis and advice with respect to the Application. After deliberation, including input from the borrower, staff, and the public, the Committee will decide whether to recommend the Application for final approval to the HCAI Director. The final decision and approval to grant loan insurance is at the full discretion of the HCAI Director.
- Issuance of Conditional Loan Insurance Commitment: After the HCAI Director approves the Application, HCAI will issue a letter of commitment to insure the loan. This letter of commitment specifies conditions that must be met prior to the pricing and closing of the insured loan transaction. The letter of commitment is valid for approximately six months; and may be extended one time upon request by the borrower. A sample letter of commitment with typical conditions is available for review.
Blackout Period
Please note that insured bond transactions may not be priced or issued during the State’s blackout periods, roughly December 1 through January 10 and from May 1 through the date of the enactment of the State budget.
- Application Fee: $500
- Loan Insurance Premium Fee: 3 percent or less of total principal and interest
- Certification and Inspection Fee: 0.4 percent of principal loan amount
- Phase 1 Environmental Document Review Fee (Paid to Department of Toxic Substances Control)
- Pricing Agent Fee (Paid to State Treasurer’s Office)
Monthly Report
The Monthly Report includes a list of insured loans and information regarding applications for loan insurance.
Annual Reports to the Legislature
Report 1 – Financial Status of the Program
Health and Safety Code, Section 129045 requires Cal-Mortgage to report the financial status of its insured portfolio, including the status of all borrowers in each stage of default and the office’s efforts to collect from borrowers that have defaulted on their debt service payments.
Report 2 – Borrowers’ Compliance with their Community Service Obligations
Health and Safety Code, Section 129075 (c) requires Cal-Mortgage to report the extent of borrowers’ compliance with their community service obligations pursuant to subdivision (j) of Section 129050, Section 129055, and Section 129065.
Report 1 – Financial Status of the Program and Report 2 – Borrowers’ Compliance with their Community Service Obligations are combined into one document.
Actuarial Study
Health and Safety Code, Section 129330 requires Cal-Mortgage to obtain, in each even numbered year, an actuarial study to determine the reserve sufficiency of funds. The purpose of the study is to examine the portfolio of existing insured loans and provide an estimate of reserve funds necessary to respond adequately to potential foreseeable risks, including extraordinary administrative expenses and actual defaults.
State Plan
Health and Safety Code, Section 129020 requires Cal-Mortgage to develop a state plan every odd-numbered year. The State Plan provides a summary of the Cal‑Mortgage , identifies current trends that affect the Cal‑Mortgage Program, and specifies goals and objectives in order to facilitate access to safe, quality healthcare environments.
Advisory Loan Insurance Committee
The Advisory Loan Insurance Committee (Committee) is a nine-member citizen advisory committee to the program. The Director of Finance appoints one member. The remaining eight are appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the HCAI Director. Of these eight, one is from state government. The remaining seven members represent various public sectors. The Committee:
- Reviews loan insurance applications that have been recommended for approval by Cal-Mortgage.
- Recommends to the HCAI Director whether an application should be approved, and whether conditions should be attached to that approval.
- Assists the HCAI Director in formulating policy concerning financial analysis, management, operation, construction, improvement, and expansion of healthcare facilities.
Committee Members
- Jay Harris, Chairman
Healthcare Strategy & Business Development Consultant
San Francisco - Derik Ghookasian, Vice Chair
CEO, Ararat Home of Los Angeles
Mission Hills - Jonathon Andrus
CEO, Fairchild Medical Center
Yreka - Scott Coffin
Retired CEO, Alameda Alliance for Health - Soyla Reyna-Griffin
CEO, Valley Health Team
Fresno - Richard Tannahill
Senior Architect, Department of Health Care Access and Information
Sacramento - John Woodward
Retired CEO, Front Porch Communities
Glendale - Mary Connick
Former Senior Living Community & Hospital System CFO and VP of Finance - Designee
Department of Finance
Public Meetings
The ALIC public meeting schedule can be found on HCAI Public Meetings.
The Notice and Agenda for the next meeting is posted approximately ten days prior to the ALIC Meeting on the Public Meetings page. If any special accommodations are needed, such as TTY, sign language, etc. please contact us at (916) 319-8828. Requests should be made at least five days before scheduled meetings.
Additional information regarding future Notices and Agendas may be obtained by email, or calling (916) 319-8800.
Featured Projects
In November 2023 insured $10,915,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds. Ararat owns and operates a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in Mission Hills, California (Ararat Home), and a skilled nursing facility in Eagle Rock, California. In addition, Ararat Home recently acquired a CCRC in Glendale, California (Ararat Gardens). The three campuses in total offer 73 Independent Living units, 153 Assisted Living units, and 324 beds in three Skilled Nursing Facilities. The insured loan of $10,485,000 (the 2023 Bonds) will be used to partially reimburse the Corporation for the acquisition of Ararat Gardens in March 2023. The final maturity of the bonds is December 31, 2043 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 5.85 percent. The insured bonds were 3.1x oversubscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; Allspring Funds Management, Goldman Asset Management, CapRe, American Century Investments, Belle Haven Investments and Thornburg Asset Management. The insured bonds were 1.7x oversubscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; Loomis Sayles, Bessemer Trust, Bellehaven, Thornburg Investment Management and Templeton Financial Services.
- Bond Underwriter: Zeigler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

In June 2023 insured $61,300,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds. Aldersly is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation which owns and operates a single site multi-level continuing care retirement community on a 3.5-acre campus located in San Rafael, California. The purpose of the insured loan is to fund the construction of 35 new independent living units and refund the outstanding 2015A bonds. The final maturity of the bonds is May 15, 2053 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 5.35 percent. The insured bonds were 3.1x oversubscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; Allspring Funds Management, Goldman Asset Management, CapRe, American Century Investments, Belle Haven Investments and Thornburg Asset Management.
- Bond Underwriter: Zeigler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Odd Fellows
In August 2023 insured $67,065,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds. Odd Fellows is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation originally established in 1893 and provides housing and health care services to seniors at two continuing care retirement communities. This is a refinance plus $10M of new money for capital improvements at both campuses. The loan amortization is uniquely structured, with the refinance portion weighted over the first 19 years and the new money portion weighted over the last 11 years. The final maturity of the bonds is April 1, 2053 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.33 percent. Top accounts purchasing the bonds at closing included; Belle Haven Investments, Vanguard, Putnam, Eagle Asset Management and Allspring Fund Management and PIMCO.
- Bond Underwriter: D.A. Davidson & Co.
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Community Medical Centers
In June 2023 insured $26,040,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds. Community Medical Centers is a Federally Qualified Health Center that provides medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, laboratory, and specialty services in San Joaquin, Solano, and Yolo Counties. After opening more than 55 years ago, the clinic network has expanded to 27 health centers that serve over 100,000 patients with more than 400,000 encounters annually. The purpose of the insured loan is to finance construction and acquisition of a 26,625 square foot health center in the city of Lodi. The final maturity of the bonds is April 1, 2053 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.97 percent. The insured bonds were 2.2x oversubscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; Loomis Sayles, PIMCO, WPG Advisors LLC, Bessemer Trust and AH Williams.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Sandler & Co.
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP
- Financial Advisor: Grant Wilson
Bethany Homes
In January 2023 insured $49,560,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds. The Bethany Home Society owns and operates a lifecare retirement community in Ripon. The purpose of the insured loan is to: fund $45.8 million of the construction of an 82-unit expansion. The final maturity of the bonds is November 15, 2052 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.83 percent. The insured bonds were fully subscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; Franklin Templeton, 16th Amendment Advisors, Bessemer Trust and First Trust.
- Bond Underwriter: Zeigler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

The Redwoods Corporation
In September 2022 insured $23,550,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for The Redwoods Corporation. The Corporation is a non-profit public benefit organization that operates a multi-level retirement community that consists of 148 independent living units, 130 assisted living units, and a 58 licensed bed skilled nursing facility. The Corporation was able to leverage a taxable bond structure in order to accommodate the advance refunding of the 2013 Insured Revenue Bonds. The advance refunding and a $5 million equity contribution will allow the Corporation to achieve a net present value savings of 15.4%, in conjunction with reducing the bond maturity schedule by eight years. The final maturity of the bonds is November 15, 2036 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 3.80 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Zeigler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Carmel Valley Manor
In September 2022 insured $36,035,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Carmel Valley Manor (the Manor). The Manor owns and operates a life care continuing care retirement community consisting of 146 independent living units, 24 assisted living units, and a 36-bed skilled nursing facility on a 25-acre campus in Carmel, Carmel Valley, Monterey County. The purpose of the insured loan is to: (i) refinance the outstanding $3.1 million balance of an existing bank term loan that is not insured by the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), (ii) fund $31.4 million of Facility capital improvements, (iii) fund capitalized interest, (iv) fund a debt service reserve, (v) fund the HCAI insurance premium, and (vi) fund the costs of issuance. The final maturity of the bonds is May 15, 2052 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.90 percent. The insured bonds were 1.4x oversubscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; PIMCO and Bel Air Investment Advisors.
- Bond Underwriter: Zeigler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

O’Connor Woods
Under a unique Forward Delivery financing structure, in September 2021 insured $35,595,000 of California Public Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for O’Connor Woods Housing Corporation. The O’Connor Wood’s primary service area is Stockton where services are provided as a continuing care retirement community. Care provided includes a 249-unit resident retirement facility, 85 total assisted living units, 31 total memory care units and a 100-unity skilled nursing facility. The series 2022 (Forward Delivery) bonds will be used to refund all of the currently outstanding ABAG series 2013 bonds. The series 2013 bonds were initially issued for $52 million to prepay outstanding certificates, refund outstanding bonds, and finance the construction of a memory care facility and capital improvements to the organization’s other facilities. The final maturity of the bonds is January 1, 2043 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 2.98 percent. The insured bonds were 2.4x oversubscribed with top accounts purchasing the bonds at close including; Vanguard, Capital Research, Boston Company and Mariner Investment Group, Inc.
- Bond Underwriter: Cain Brothers
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living
November 2016 insured $135,920,000 of California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) Insured Revenue Bonds for Jewish Home of San Francisco. The bond proceeds will be used for the construction of two new buildings to be licensed as residential care facilities for the elderly and improvements of other buildings on campus. The final maturity of the bonds is November 1, 2046 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.42 percent. Additionally, in November 2021 insured $28,030,000 of CSCDA Insured Revenue Bonds. The San Francisco campus features a brand new 220-unit independent living building, and an acute psychiatric hospital and skilled nursing facility totaling almost 400 beds. The 2021 Bonds allow the Corporation to reimburse construction cost overages related to the recently completed residential building and capital improvement of the existing facility. The All-In True Interest cost inclusive of fees is 2.83 percent with a final maturity of November 2051. The total loan amount origination was $163,950,000.
- Bond Underwriter: Cain Brothers
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Valley Health Team
October 2021 insured $15,365,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Valley Health Team,which operates 12 federally qualified health centers throughout the Central Valley. The loan will be used to construct two new health centers located in the rural, medically underserved communities of Kerman and Firebaugh. Valley Health Team was able to attain a 3.42 percent all-in interest rate on this new 30-year financing.
- Bond Underwriter:
Piper Jaffray - Financial Advisory: Wulff, Hansen & Co.
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP
La Maestra Community Clinic
October 2021 insured $12,295,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for La Maestra Community Clinic. The clinic is a Federally Qualified Health Center and serves more than 45,000 individuals annually, many of whom live in designated Medically Underserved Areas and are considered part of the Medically Underserved Populations in San Diego County. The new funding will be used to finance the acquisition and renovation of three new clinic sites in the San Diego area. La Maestra was able to lock in much lower interest rates than if it went into the bond market without Cal-Mortgage loan insurance. The 2021 bonds have a 30-year term, and an interest rate inclusive of all fees of 3.51 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Financial Advisory: Wulff, Hansen & Co.
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

Open Door Community Health Centers
September 2021 insured $30,580,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds for Open Door Community Health Center. The 2021 bonds will finance the construction of a new clinic site in Arcata that will allow Open Door to consolidate two existing sites. In addition, bond proceeds were used to refinance existing debt, fund a debt service reserve account, and pay for other costs of issuance. The interest rate, including all the fees and other costs, is 3.03 percent and the 2021 Bonds have a final maturity date of September 15, 2051. an
- Lead Bond Underwriter: Municipal Capital Markets Group, Inc.
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP
San Benito Health Care District
February 11, 2021 insured $12,570,000 of San Benito Health Care District Insured Revenue Refunding Bonds for Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital. The new loan refinanced a prior Cal-Mortgage insured loan for the District who manages a 25 bed critical access hospital, a 119 bed skilled nursing facility, and three rural health clinics in San Benito County. The 2021 Bonds mature in 2029 and priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 1.58 percent. The refinance will save the District over $380,000 in annual debt service payments, with a net present value savings of 10.0 percent.
- Lead Bond Underwriter: HilltopSecurities
- Financial Advisory: Gary Hicks
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

Los Angeles Jewish Home of Aging
August 8, 2019 insured $13,785,000 of California Statewide Communities Development Authority Insured Revenue Refunding Bonds for Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging. The new loan refinanced a prior Cal-Mortgage insured loan used to construct a 108-unit senior living facility. The 2019 Bonds mature in November 2037 and priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.08 percent. The refinance will save the Home over $3.2 million in debt service payments, with a net present value savings of 18.7 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Cain Brothers
- Bond Counsel: Foley & Lardner LLP
Town And County Manor
June 13, 2019 insured $34,385,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Town and Country Manor. The 2019 Bonds will finance the construction of a new 88 bed memory care facility at its existing multi-level continuing care retirement community located in Santa Ana, CA. The memory care project is expected to be completed in early 2021. Bond proceeds also used to refinance $7,00,000 in debt not currently insured by Cal-Mortgage. The 2017 Bonds mature on May 15, 2049 and was priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.98 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Cain Brothers
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

March 30, 2019 insured $95,600,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Paradise Valley Estates. The 2019 Bonds will finance 70 new independent living units within the 76-acre Paradise Valley Estates multi-level continuing care retirement community located in Fairfield, CA. The project is expected to be completed in early 2021. By utilizing both short-term entry fee bonds and traditional 30-year maturities, the project was able to secure financing with an All-In True Interest Cost of 4.44 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Ziegler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
North Kern – South Tulare Hospital District
November 20, 2019 insured Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 for $4,300,000 for North Kern – South Tulare Hospital District. The financing was used to refinance existing Insured 2010B Series Bonds, which had been used to construct and equip a new community clinic and reimbursed the District for an emergency generator at their skilled nursing facility. The 2019 Bonds mature in September 2040 and priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.85 percent. The net present value savings was 12.34 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

The California Armenian Home
November 20, 2018 insured California Municipal Finance Authority Revenue Bonds, Series 2018 for $24,665,000 for The California Armenian Home, a multi-level continuing care retirement community located in Fresno, CA . The financing was used to refund variable rate private placement taxable loan. The bond structure matures on May 15, 2033 and was priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 4.16 percent. The net present value savings was 6.93 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Ziegler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Lincoln Glen Manor
November 8, 2018 insured $6,375,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Lincoln Glen Manor, a multi-level continuing care retirement community located in San Jose, CA. The 2018 Bonds will finance the conversion of 12 independent living units to 17 memory care units, in addition to other facility capital improvement projects at the community. The insured bonds mature in 2043 and the True Interest Cost is 3.81 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray and Hilltop Securities
- Financial Advisory: Grant Wilson
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

ACC Senior Service
July 26, 2018 insured $26,915,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for ACC Senior Services. The 2018 Bonds have a final maturity of April 1, 2048 and an All-In True Interest Cost of 4.17 percent. The proceeds of the bonds will be used to construct the Maple Tree Court Assisted Living and Memory Care Center, an approximately 64,082 square foot facility with 72 assisted living units and 30 memory care living units, in Sacramento.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Financial Advisory: Wulff, Hansen & Co.
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP
May 24, 2018 insured $187,230,000 of California Statewide Communities Development Authority Bonds for Viamonte Senior Living. The 2018 Bonds will finance the construction of a new state-of-the-art 191-unit multi-level continuing care retirement community in Walnut Creek. By utilizing both short-term entry fee bonds and traditional 30-year maturities, the project was able to secure financing with an All-In True Interest Cost of 4.18 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Casa de las Campanas
August 24, 2017 insured $39,000,000 of California Enterprise Development Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Casa de las Campanas in Rancho Bernardo. The 2017 Bonds will finance the construction of a new state-of-the-art 72-bed skilled nursing facility. Casa de las Campanas is a nonprofit corporation that owns and operates a life care, multi-level continuing care retirement community just outside of San Diego, and has an investment grade credit rating of A-. The 2017 Insured Bonds are a direct placement with City National Bank. Under the drawdown bond structure during the 18-month construction period, the interest rate will be variable. Once construction of the new skilled nursing facility is completed, the interest rate on the bonds will lock at an estimated rate of 2.63 percent. The bonds mature in September 2022.
- Financial Advisor: Herbert J. Sims & Co
- Bond Counsel: Kutak Rock LLP
St. John’s Well Child & Family Center
July 12, 2017 insured $5,250,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Refunding Revenue Bonds for St. John’s Well Child. The refunded bonds mature on December 1, 2041 and were priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.76 percent. The refinance resulted in a net present value savings of $541,540.67 or, 11.02 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

AgeOn Institute on Aging
May 31, 2017 insured $34,355,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Refunding Bonds for Institute on Aging (IOA). The financing was used to refinance existing Insured 2008 Bonds, which had been used to construct a mixed-use affordable senior apartment building with an onsite senior health service facility. The 2017 Bonds mature in August 2038 and priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.92 percent. The refinance will save IOA over $4 million in debt service payments, with a net present value savings of 11.8 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Ziegler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Channing House
April 18, 2017 insured $54,045,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Refunding Bonds for Channing House. The financing was used to refinance existing Insured 2010 Bonds, which had been used to construct a Health Center with 27 assisted living beds, a 26-bed skilled nursing facility, and to add an additional 14 independent living units to the residential tower. Channing House now has 191 independent living units. The 2017 Bonds mature on May 15, 2040 and was priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 4.04 percent. The net present value savings was 9.4 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Ziegler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Volunteers of America
March 15, 2017 insured $4,700,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Refunding Revenue Bonds for Southern California Development Corporation of VOA, Inc. The financing advance refunded the 2011 Insured Bonds and repaid an insured bank loan from California Bank and Trust. The bonds mature on December 1, 2036 and were priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 4.09 percent. The refinance resulted in a net present value savings of 8.76 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Financial Advisory: Wulff, Hansen & Co.
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP
Paradise Valley Estates
On November 30, 2016 insured $22,080,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Revenue Bonds for Paradise Valley Estates. The 2016 Bonds financed the completion of 18 private memory care rooms, reimbursed project expenditures related to the construction of a parking structure, and refinanced its Insured 2005 Bonds. The refunded bonds mature in 2047 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.51 percent. The refinance resulted in a net present value savings of $669,945, or 7.6 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Ziegler
- Bond Counsel: Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Pilgrim Place
On November 30, 2016 insured $36,055,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Senior Living Refunding Revenue Bonds for Pilgrim Place in Claremont. The 2016 Bonds financed $9 million dollars in capital improvements, in addition to advance refunding its Insured 2009 Bonds. The bonds mature in 2046 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 4.46 percent. The refinance resulted in a net present value savings of $1.5 million, or 6.35 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Cain Brothers
- Bond Counsel: Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
Hill Country Health & Wellness Center
November 3, 2016 insured $4,055,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Refunding Revenue Bonds for Hill Country Community Clinic. The financing was used to refinance existing bonds. The 2016 Bonds mature on November 1, 2037 and was priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.46 percent. The net present value savings was 8.37 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Financial Advisory: Gary Hicks
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

Mountain Shadows Support Group
October 27, 2016 insured $10,350,000 of California Statewide Communities Development Authority Insured Health Facilities Revenue Bonds and $2,890,000 of Taxable Insured Revenue Bonds for Mountain Shadows Support Group. The financing was used to pay off existing bonds and term loans and will be used to upgrade existing facilities housing developmentally disabled clients. The 2016 Bonds mature on January 1, 2041 and was priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 3.71 percent. The net present value savings was 12.80 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Cain Brothers
- Bond Counsel: Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
September 13, 2016 insured $5,775,000 of California Health Facilities Financing Authority Insured Refunding Revenue Bonds for Petaluma Health Center. The 2016 Bonds refinanced an existing insured loan. The refunded bonds mature in 2040 and the All-In True Interest Cost is 3.14 percent. The refinance resulted in net present value interest savings of $1.06 million, or 19 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray
- Financial Advisory: Gary Hicks
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP

Santa Rosa Community Health Centers
July 12, 2016 insured $11,105,000 of California Municipal Finance Authority Insured Refunding Revenue Bonds for Santa Rosa Community Health Centers. The 2016 Bonds refinanced an existing insured loan. The refunding bonds mature on February 1, 2034 and priced with an All-In True Interest Cost of 2.89 percent. The refinance resulted in net present value savings of 31.90 percent.
- Bond Underwriter: Piper Jaffray / Hilltop Securities / Raymond James
- Financial Advisory: Gary Hicks
- Bond Counsel: Brian Quint – Quint & Thimmig LLP
Other Cal-Mortgage Insured Projects