Hospitals file detailed annual financial disclosure reports and less detailed quarterly financial reports with HCAI. Follow the links below to see available data products based on reports filed with HCAI.

Hospital Annual Disclosure Report

Individual Reports

Hospital Annual Disclosure Reports are available for individual hospitals. 

Complete Data Set

The Complete Set of Hospital Annual Financial data contains desk-audited data collected from all acute care hospitals licensed by the State of California. The information collected includes general hospital information, type of ownership, medical staff specialties, hospital services inventory, number of beds, utilization data by payer, balance sheets, statements of changes in equity, income statements, statements of cash flows, revenues by payer, expenses by natural classification, cost allocation statistics and calculations, and labor hours and hourly rates.

Data are presented in a format where facilities are listed from top to bottom, and data fields span across columns. Due to the large file size, it is recommended to select and save the file on your computer before opening the file. 

Pivot Profiles

If you need technical assistance or would like to request earlier files, please email or call (916) 326-3802.

Hospital Annual Financial Data: Selected Data

Due to the large size of the complete data set, a selected set of data representing a wide range of commonly used data items, has been created that can be easily managed and downloaded. The selected data file includes general hospital information, utilization data by payer, revenue data by payer, expense data by natural expense category, financial ratios, and labor information.

If you need technical assistance or would like to request earlier files, please email or call (916) 326-3802.

Hospital Annual Financial Disclosure Trend Reports

Hospital trends pivot and charts show a five year trend in hospital annual financial disclosure report data.

Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series

The Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series set of visualizations was created to summarize data from the financial reports (either statewide or by individual facility) in an easy-to-use manner. Specific topics covered by the series include popular items such as operating margin, net revenue, operating expense, uncompensated care costs, bed counts, discharges, and staffing hours. Users can quickly view annual information for selected facilities using these customizable visualizations.

Quarterly Financial and Utilization Report

Complete Data Set

The complete data set contains all of the data reported by hospitals. Data are available by individual calendar quarters. 

If you need data for individual quarters for prior years, please email or call (916) 326-3802.

HCAI revised instructions in Hospital Technical Letter No. 33 for reporting Medicare Accelerated/Advance Payments after hospitals submitted reports for calendar quarters ending 9/30/2020 and 12/31/2020. Revised instructions may have an impact on the level of Medicare Traditional contractual adjustments and Medicare Traditional net patient revenue amounts reported.

Sum of Four Quarters Data Set

Each file consists of a sum of four quarters of data for the calendar quarter ending on the quarter. Files are updated quarterly in order to reflect all corrections made by HCAI audit staff and hospital representatives during the review process. Comparison of previously released data files with revised data files may not have a material effect on statewide aggregations, but may have a significant effect on data for individual hospitals.

Quarterly Profile Characteristics

Quarterly Profile Characteristics provides quarterly financial data for individual hospitals, or you may select data for categories that aggregate hospital financial data.  You may select data for individual quarters, or you may select data for the sum of four quarters.  

Senate Bill (SB) 343

SB 343 (Pan, Chapter 247 Statutes of 2019) reduced certain reporting exemptions which applied to Kaiser Hospitals. Beginning with the first quarter of 2020, Hospital Quarterly Financial Data linked above is available by individual Kaiser Hospital. Beginning in 2022 Hospital Annual Financial Data will be available by individual hospital, except for balance sheet, equity, and cash flow statements, which will continue to be reported on a system regional basis.

Assembly Bill (AB) 112

AB 112 (Chapter 6, Statutes of 2023) amends Health and Safety Code Section 128740 requiring hospitals to report certain financial and utilization data to the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI). This data will be used in the evaluation of at-risk hospital’s potential eligibility for State assistance.

Read the AB 112 Data Reporting Implementation Plan.

Ask the Analyst Webinar Series

HCAI held the first Ask the Analyst Webinar session on January 17, 2023 focused on Hospital Financial Reporting. This interactive forum provided information and answered stakeholder questions about HCAI data products.