Expanded Cardiovascular Outcomes Reporting – Implementation Plan – July 2021

Health and Safety Code Section 128745 et seq. requires the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to perform health outcomes reporting on cardiovascular procedures, including coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

Pursuant to the Governor’s January Budget, Assembly Bill (AB) 133 trailer bill legislation recasts HCAI as a department and aligns and improves its competencies to continue its role in lowering health care costs while promoting an adequate health workforce that provides quality and equitable care.

With existing resources, HCAI will implement the revised statutes on data reporting to enhance data quality and improve access to available data. Based on program experience and public stakeholder committee feedback, the amendments to existing statutes pertaining to CABG outcomes reporting provide flexibility to perform outcomes reporting for new and emerging cardiac procedures, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR).

The following timeline outlines the anticipated program activities to implement the trailer bill legislation:

2021 – July to December

  • Perform stakeholder engagement and initial planning to implement the trailer bill legislation
  • Solicit recommendations from the existing HCAI Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP) of experts regarding new procedure data acquisition and reporting as well as the expertise needed on the CAP

2022 – January to June

  • Begin process to promulgate regulations, if necessary, for new procedure data acquisition and reporting, based on CAP recommendations
  • Begin adding members with the necessary expertise to the CAP, as appropriate per CAP recommendations
  • Begin establishing the necessary program procedures, agreements, and methodologies for new procedure data acquisition and reporting, based on CAP recommendations

2022 – July to December

  • Release CABG outcomes report, based on 2020 hospital data under existing regulations
  • Complete any necessary regulations for new procedure data acquisition and reporting

2023 and ongoing

  • Begin new procedure data acquisition
  • Release annual report