Publicly Available Data
Annual Financial Disclosure Reports
Hospital Annual Financial Disclosure Report
This report is filed annually by each hospital licensed by the State of California. The information collected includes the type of ownership, number of beds, balance sheets and income statements, revenues by payer, and expenses by natural classification.
Long-Term Care Annual Financial Disclosure and Medi-Cal Cost Report
This report is filed annually by each skilled nursing, intermediate care, mentally disordered/developmentally disabled and congregate living health facility licensed by the State of California. The information collected includes the type of ownership, number of beds, balance sheets and income statements, revenues by payer, and expenses by natural classification.
Quarterly Financial and Utilization Reports
This report is filed quarterly by each hospital licensed by the State of California. The information collected includes summary financial and utilization information.
CHHS Open Data Portal
The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) has launched its Open Data Portal initiative in order to increase public access to one of the State’s most valuable assets – non-confidential health and human services data. Its goals are to spark innovation, promote research and economic opportunities, engage public participation in government, increase transparency, and inform decision-making. “Open Data” describes data that are freely available, machine-readable, and formatted according to national technical standards to facilitate visibility and reuse of published data.
The portal offers access to standardized data that can be easily retrieved, combined, downloaded, sorted, searched, analyzed, redistributed and re-used by individuals, business, researchers, journalists, developers, and government to process, trend, and innovate.