Los Angeles
11 - Los Angeles
Reporting Organization
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital
License No
Type of Control
Non-profit Corporation (incl. Church-related)
Report Period
01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021
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1. Policy Statement

Supplier Diversity Policy Statement

Same as policy submitted previous year. Policy exceeds 5000 characters

2. Supplier Point of Contact, Outreach and Communication

Supplier Point of Contact

Outreach and Communication

How does your hospital encourage and seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital (HMNH) strongly supports Diversity Vendors. Our Diversity Policy is published on our company website and our procurement efforts managed by our Supply Chain department openly includes all vendors. HMNH is a member of the Vizient Group Purchasing Organization which has a formal diversity program that identifies diverse vendors and promotes their access supply chain contracts by product category. All Vizient members are encouraged to develop business with diverse vendors. Further, HMNH is a member of the West Coast Purchasing Coalition (WCPC) where diverse and small business vendors are discussed and promoted within the WCPC membership

How does your hospital encourage its employees involved in procurement to seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

The support for diversity vendors begins with our Executive Leadership Team and is spearheaded by the Supply Chain Director who fully supports our diversity efforts and uses these principle in daily vendor selection decisions. Supply Chain also presents the diversity program to all Department Managers to educate all management members involved in vendor development with our diversity policy.

How does your hospital conduct outreach and communication to minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

All active vendors of HMNH have been notified of our diversity policy and asked to submit certification documents from a state or private certification agency. HMNH is also working with the Hospital Association of Southern California to further explore avenues to enhance our procurement opportunities with diversity vendors.

3. Diverse Supplier Spending

Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
African American - - -
Hispanic American - - -
Native American - - -
Asian Pacific - - -
Unknown Minority $126,148.00 - $126,148.00
Total $126,148.00 - $126,148.00

Diverse Procurement Spending by Other

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
Minority* $126,148.00 - $126,148.00
Women $315,026.00 - $315,026.00
LGBTQ - - -
Disabled Veteran - - -
Less Duplicate Amount (-) - - -
Combined Total $441,174.00 - $441,174.00

*Total from the Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority table.

What is your hospital's total procurement (including diverse and non-diverse suppliers)?


4. Certifications and Third Party Procurement


How does your hospital support organizations that promote or certify minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

Henry Mayo is a member of the Vizient Group Purchasing Organization which has a very strong diversity program and seeks to provide contract exceptions to allow diversity vendors access to large procurement categories which are usually dominated by large vendors. We as a member of the Hospital Association of Southern California, are working to coordinate the efforts of both Vizient and the HASC to better support the diversity efforts of the state of California.

Do you require suppliers to be certified?


Do you accept self-certification?


Third-Party Procurement