Over-the-Counter/Online (OTC) Plan Review
In-Office HCAI/OSHPD OTC Reviews
To provide better service to our clients, HCAI Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development (OSHPD) provides an OTC review service for projects with shorter review times that may be scheduled for projects with shorter review times.
Each Office geographic region will:
- Schedule OTCs in their region
- Review documents for facilities that are within their respective area of responsibility
Over-The-Counter/Computer (OTC) reviews may be requested using the OTC links below. For the in-office OTC Review, click on the radio button “OTC Review Requested” when applying for project review. For back check OTCs, contact the region’s architectural reviewer.
Criteria for Qualifying Projects
The criteria for qualifying a project for an OTC review is no more than one (1) hour to complete the review. Prior to requesting OTC review, all construction documents and completed project applications must be submitted to OSHPD for triage to determine eligibility for an OTC review. Project applications may be submitted using the eServices Portal (eSP) Client Access system, and where you may view Triage results. Note that the triage process may take a few days to qualify the OTC request.
After Project Triage
After triage, the designer will be notified by reply email if the project is eligible for OTC review, along with a proposed date and time for the OTC. With approval from the Regional Supervisor, some projects may be scheduled for OTC review when the estimated review hours exceed one (1) hour. In this case, the project may be taken in for review, if necessary, after the other disciplines complete their reviews at the OTC appointment.
To schedule an OTC
Sacramento Office
North Region: FDDNorthRegion@hcai.ca.gov
Coastal Region: FDDCoastalRegion@hcai.ca.gov
Central Region: FDDCentralRegion@hcai.ca.gov
Los Angeles Office
North L.A. Region: FDDNorthLARegion@hcai.ca.gov
South L.A. Region: FDDSouthLARegion@hcai.ca.gov
South Region: FDDSouthRegion@hcai.ca.gov
Alternate Method of Compliance (AMC)
The provisions of the California Building Standards Code are not intended to prevent the installation of any material or to prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by these codes. An alternative material, design, or method of construction may be approved where OSHPD finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of the code, and that the material, method of work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.
AMC Types
There are three types of requests that will be reviewed by the Office.
- Request for Alternate Method of Compliance: Projects that require an alternative way of meeting the intent of the California Building Standards Code.
- Request for Alternate Method of Protection: Projects that require an alternate way of meeting the intent of the California Building Standards Code for a fire and life safety issue. These may require concurrent approval from the local fire jurisdiction.
- Request for Program Flexibility: Projects that require an alternative way of meeting the intent of the California Building Standards Code involving functional or operational considerations that are also required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, enforced by the California Department of Public Health, Licensing and Certification, and which require Licensing and Certification approval.
AMC Forms
Requests for any of the alternate methods of compliance listed above must be submitted to the Office using these forms: