1. Policy Statement
Supplier Diversity Policy Statement
Supplier Diversity Policy Statement Arrowhead Regional Medical Center believes in the importance of having a supplier base that reflects the rich diversity of our community and patients. We are committed to attracting all qualified diverse business enterprises and providing equal opportunities to compete and participate in the sourcing and procurement process for products and services, subject to all applicable laws. We will facilitate tangible contract opportunities that will mutually add value to our hospital, our stakeholders, and the businesses that participate in our program.
2. Supplier Point of Contact, Outreach and Communication
Supplier Point of Contact
- Name: Purchasing Department
- Website:
Hospital Contacts for Diverse Business Enterprises are available upon request.
Please send request via email to:
Outreach and Communication
How does your hospital encourage and seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?
We have instituted a process to encourage inclusion of the aforementioned suppliers within the legal guidelines that we must follow as a County hospital. One way that we have done this is with our Supplier Diversity Program. Arrowhead Regional Medical Center A.R.M.C. Supplier Diversity Program A. Actively seek to attract qualified diverse businesses to participate in the procurement process to become a part of the supply chain pool of potential vendors to the hospital. R. Review each potential vendor for appropriate criteria through the prescribed County of San Bernardino competitive bidding and procurement process in accordance with Local, State, and Federal guidelines. M. Mentor and support supplier diversity within our community by assisting all businesses in maneuvering through the procurement process C. Commit to increasing equal opportunities for diverse suppliers, minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned (including retired), LGBT, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises to participate in the competitive bidding and procurement process.
How does your hospital encourage its employees involved in procurement to seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?
We have instituted a process to encourage inclusion of the aforementioned suppliers within the legal guidelines that we must follow as a County hospital. One way that we have done this is with our Supplier Diversity Program. Arrowhead Regional Medical Center A.R.M.C.Supplier Diversity Program A. Actively seek to attract qualified diverse businesses to participate in the procurement process to become a part of the supply chain pool of potential vendors to the hospital. R. Review each potential vendor for appropriate criteria through the prescribed County of San Bernardino competitive bidding and procurement process in accordance with Local, State, and Federal guidelines. M. Mentor and support supplier diversity within our community by assisting all businesses in maneuvering through the procurement process C. Commit to increasing equal opportunities for diverse suppliers, minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned (including retired), LGBT, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises to participate in the competitive bidding and procurement process.
How does your hospital conduct outreach and communication to minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?
The diversity statement is directly connected to the home page which had 859,783 visits in calendar year 2021. We are highly visible and present on several social media platforms, a direct link to the homepage is available during ARMC social media campaigns and also through San Bernardino County’s sharing of the hospital’s social media posts. The hospital's homepage also has a direct link to the County procurement page where anyone that meets the requirements are able to apply to bid for County contracts. We participate in several community events throughout the year and partner with other community groups to facilitate communication with various groups.
3. Diverse Supplier Spending
Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority
For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.
Business Ownership | Tier 1 Procurement | Tier 2 Procurement | Total Procurement |
African American | - | - | - |
Hispanic American | - | - | - |
Native American | - | - | - |
Asian Pacific | - | - | - |
Unknown Minority | $180,671,564.00 | $116,932.00 | $180,788,496.00 |
Total | $180,671,564.00 | $116,932.00 | $180,788,496.00 |
Diverse Procurement Spending by Other
For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.
Business Ownership | Tier 1 Procurement | Tier 2 Procurement | Total Procurement |
Minority* | $180,671,564.00 | $116,932.00 | $180,788,496.00 |
Women | $164,549,979.00 | $85,195.00 | $164,635,174.00 |
LGBTQ | - | - | - |
Disabled Veteran | - | - | - |
Less Duplicate Amount (-) | - | - | - |
Combined Total | $345,221,543.00 | $202,127.00 | $345,423,670.00 |
*Total from the Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority table.
What is your hospital's total procurement (including diverse and non-diverse suppliers)?
4. Certifications and Third Party Procurement
How does your hospital support organizations that promote or certify minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?
We have instituted a process to encourage inclusion of the aforementioned suppliers within the legal guidelines that we must follow as a County hospital. One way that we have done this is with our Supplier Diversity Program. Arrowhead Regional Medical Center A.R.M.C.Supplier Diversity Program A. Actively seek to attract qualified diverse businesses to participate in the procurement process to become a part of the supply chain pool of potential vendors to the hospital. R. Review each potential vendor for appropriate criteria through the prescribed County of San Bernardino competitive bidding and procurement process in accordance with Local, State, and Federal guidelines. M. Mentor and support supplier diversity within our community by assisting all businesses in maneuvering through the procurement process C. Commit to increasing equal opportunities for diverse suppliers, minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned (including retired), LGBT, and socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises to participate in the competitive bidding and procurement process. We are highly visible and present on several social media platforms, a direct link to the homepage is available during ARMC social media campaigns and also through San Bernardino County’s sharing of the hospital’s social media posts. The hospital's homepage also has a direct link to the County procurement page where anyone that meets the requirements are able to apply to bid for County contracts. We participate in several community events throughout the year and partner with other community groups to facilitate communication with various groups.
Do you require suppliers to be certified?
Do you accept self-certification?