California Health Workforce Education and Training Council Meeting


California Health Workforce Education and Training Council (Council)

The California Health Workforce Education and Training Council is responsible for helping coordinate California’s health workforce education and training to develop a health workforce that meets California’s health care needs.

Committee Details


February 26, 2025


10:00 am

In Person

  • HCAI - 2020 W. El Camino Ave, Rm 900 Sacramento, CA 95833


To All Interested Parties:
24 HOUR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following California Health Workforce Education and Training Council member will be attending the February 26, 2025, meeting remotely:
Kristina Lawson


February 26, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Board/Committee may not discuss or act on any matter raised during the public comment section that is not included on this agenda, except to place the matter on a future meeting agenda. (Government Code §§ 11125, 11125.7, subd. (a).)

Day 1
Microsoft Teams Link for Public Participation

Call in Line (audio only): 1-916-535-0978
Conference ID: 385 494 168#

Day 2
February 27, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Day 1 Agenda Wednesday, February 26, 2025

  1. Call to Order
    Facilitator:  Van Ton-Quinlivan, Chair

  2. Swearing in of New Council Members
    Swearing in of Patrick Brennan and Anthony Cordova
    Facilitator: Elizabeth Landsberg, Director, HCAI

  3. Roll Call
    Facilitator:  Naomi Kozak, HCAI Staff

  4. Black Liberation Statement
    Presenter:  Elizabeth Landsberg, Director, HCAI

  5. Approval of September 2024 and November 2024 Meeting Minutes
    Vote to approve September and November 2024 minutes
    Facilitator:  Van Ton-Quinlivan, Chair

  6. Amendment of June 2024 Meeting Minutes
    Facilitator:  Van Ton-Quinlivan, Chair

  7. HCAI Director Remarks
    HCAI updates related to the proposed FY 2025-26 Governor’s Budget, Office of Health Care Affordability, and Health Payments Database.
    Presenter: Elizabeth Landsberg, Director, HCAI

  8. HCAI Workforce Program Update
    – Overview of HCAI Health Workforce Program actions to support LA fires response and recovery
    – Introduction of new Health Workforce Program Assistant Deputy Director
    – Overview of Governor’s Budget implications for Health Workforce Program
    – Overview of winter 2024/2025 activities
    Presenter:  Libby Abbott, Deputy Director, HCAI

Lunch Break

  1. Behavioral Health Workforce Funding Opportunities and BH-CONNECT Workforce Initiative Deep Dive 
    a. Overview of Behavioral Health Services Act and BH-CONNECT 
    Presenter: Paula Wilhelm, Deputy Director for Behavioral Health, Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) 
    b. BH-CONNECT Workforce Initiative  
    Presenter: Sharmil Shah, Branch Chief, Behavioral Health and Policy, HCAI 
    c. 2026-2030 Five-Year Behavioral Health Services Act Workforce Education and Training (WET) Plan Update 
    Presenter: Sharmil Shah, Branch Chief, Behavioral Health and Policy, HCAI 

  2. General Public Comment
    Facilitator: Van Ton-Quinlivan, Chair

  3. Recess Day 1 Meeting
    Facilitator:  Van Ton-Quinlivan, Chair

Board Members 

Abby Snay, M.Ed.
Anthony Cordova, MBA 
Catherine Kennedy, RN
Cedric Rutland, MD
Deena McRae, MD
Elizabeth Landsberg
Judith Liu, RN MSN
Katherine Flores, MD
Kevin Grumbach, MD
Kimberly Perris, DNP, RN, CNL, PHN
Kristina Lawson, JD
Michael Freeman, MBA
Nader Nadershahi, DDS, MBA, EdD
Patrick Brennan, MBA
Rehman Attar, MPH
Roger Liu, PhD
Van Ton-Quinlivan, MBA 
Vernita Todd, MBA 

HCAI Staff

Elizabeth Landsberg, Director
Lemeneh Tefera, Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director for Clinical Innovation
Libby Abbott, Deputy Director
Marissa Enos, Assistant Deputy Director
Sharmil Shah, Behavioral Health and Policy Branch Chief
Hovik Khosrovian, Senior Policy Advisor
Jalaunda Granville, Policy Section Chief
Janis Herbstman, Legal

The California Health Workforce Education and Training Council (Council) agenda and other notices about meetings are posted online and can be found by searching for the California Health Workforce Education and Training Council (Council) and meeting month at

For further information about this meeting, please contact or send a letter to The Department of Health Care Access and Information, 2020 West El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95833.

The Council may take action under any agenda item.

Every effort will be made to address each agenda item as listed. However, the agenda order is tentative and subject to change without prior notice. Items not listed on the agenda will not be considered. The Board/Committee may take a brief break during the meeting. Members of the public are NOT required to identify themselves or provide other information to attend or participate in this meeting. If Microsoft Teams (or other platform) requires a name, you may enter “Anonymous”. You may also input fictitious information for other requested information if required to attend the meeting (e.g.,

This meeting is accessible to persons with a disability. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting HCAI at (916) 326-3700 or sending a written request to that person at 2020 West El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95833. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.

If you need help understanding or translating into another language, or if you need sign language services, please contact Nancy Samra at Let us know at least seven days before the meeting so we can set up the services you need. 

Spanish/ Español 
Si necesita ayuda para entender esta agenda de la reunión, necesita que se traduzca en otro idioma, o necesita servicios en lenguaje de señas Avísenos al menos siete días antes de la reunión a fin de que podamos programar los servicios que necesita.  

Korean/ 한국어
이 회의 안건을 이해하는 데 도움이 필요하거나, 다른 언어로 번역이 필요하거나, 수화 서비스가 필요한 경우: 필요한 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 회의 개최 7일 전까지 알려주십시오. 

Chinese Simplified/簡體中文 
如果您在理解本会议议程方面需要帮助,需要将本会议议程翻译成其他语言,或需要手语服务 请至少在会议前七天通知我们,以便我们安排您所需的服务。

Kung kailangan mo ng tulong upang maunawaan ang adyenda ng pagpupulong na ito, kailangan itong isalin sa ibang wika, o kailangan ng mga serbisyo para sa sign language Ipaalam sa amin nang hindi bababa sa pitong araw bago ang pagpupulong upang mai-set up namin ang kailangan mong mga serbisyo.  

Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt
Nếu quý vị cần trợ giúp để hiểu chương trình nghị sự của cuộc họp này, như cần dịch sang ngôn ngữ khác hoặc cần dịch vụ ngôn ngữ ký hiệu Vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết ít nhất bảy ngày trước cuộc họp để chúng tôi có thể bố trí các dịch vụ mà quý vị cần 

Chinese 繁體中文 
如果您在理解本會議議程方面需要幫助,需要將本會議議程翻譯成其他語言,或需要手語服務 至少在會議前七天通知我們,以便我們安排您所需的服務。