Hospital Supplier Diversity Commission (HSDC)
The Hospital Diversity Commission (HSDC) is comprised of stakeholders and experts who will advise and provide recommendations to the HCAI Director and the hospital industry on the best methods to increase procurement with diverse suppliers within the hospital industry. The commission will also promote and provide outreach to hospitals that are actively engaged in supplier diversity issues.
March 21, 2023
9:30 am
- Meeting Agenda
- Agenda Item III – HSD Reporting Program Update - HCAI - Denard Uy
- Agenda Item IV - Hospital Panel - PIH Health - Chico Manning
- Agenda Item IV - Hospital Panel - Kaiser Permanente - Matthew Freede
- Agenda Item V - Group Purchasing Organization, Business Association, and Ethnic Chamber of Commerce - Vizient - Shaleta Dunn
- Agenda Item V - Group Purchasing Organization, Business Association, and Ethnic Chamber of Commerce - Veterans In Business - Jackson Dalton