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Hospital Fair Billing Program (HFBP) is responsible for enforcement of the laws regarding health care debt and fair billing, as set forth at Article 1, Chapter 2.5, Part 2, Division 107 of the Health and Safety Code (section 127400, et seq.), including requirements for hospital discount payment, charity care, and debt collection policies.
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Those awarded the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scholarship may receive up to *$10,000 for one year of school. If awarded, recipients agree to twelve (12) month service obligation practicing full time, direct patient care at a qualified facility in California. Applicants can be awarded up to three (3) times.
Those awarded the Licensed Vocational Nurse Loan Repayment may receive up to $6,000. If awarded, recipients agree to continue practicing full time, direct patient care at a qualified facility in California for a twelve (12) month service obligation. Applicants can be awarded up to three (3) times.