Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: Hospital Performance Ratings, 2015

This report provides quality ratings for the 126 state-licensed hospitals that performed isolated coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery during 2015. The statewide operative mortality rate for isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery in 2015 was 2.50%, a 14% reduction in the mortality rate since 2003, the first year of mandated public reporting.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Topic: Healthcare Utilization, Quality Ratings for the State Licensed Hospitals
Temporal Coverage: 2014-2015
Spatial/Geographic Coverage: Statewide
Geographic Granularity: Location Point
Frequency: Annually
Source Link: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Reports
Related Resources: The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. This information is provided as a courtesy. The State does not control any third-party web services or any of the material on third-party sites. It does not imply approval or endorsement of the organization represented by the website or the website content.
Citation: Department of Health Care Access and Information: California Hospital Performance Ratings for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery Data.

Data Pulse – Why Use Risk Adjustment?

Read the Data Pulse to find out the purpose of risk-adjustment comparisons in HCAI data.