From 2014–2021, comparable hospitals in California saw a 46.7 percent increase in total net patient revenues and a 49.1 percent increase in total operating expenses statewide.
Hospital Financials Introduction
The Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series presents data visualizations built from the financial reports that all California hospitals are required to submit annually to HCAI.
This is the first topic of the interactive series. This section focuses on information related to the financial status of hospitals, such as assets, revenues and expenses, and more. Additional topics in this visualization series can be found on the Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series Landing Page.
Users can switch between five different financial topics—Annual Total Assets, Uncompensated Care Costs, Total Net Patient Revenue and Operating Expenses, Operating Margin, and Cost-to-Charge Ratio—using the navigation buttons at the top of the visualization. By default, the visualizations display aggregate amounts for all California hospitals. The drop-down menus allow users to select the data for specific counties, cities or facilities of interest, or by teaching/rural facility designation or hospital control (ownership) type.
The visualizations in this series include fully audited data on comparable hospitals for the calendar years 2014–2021. For more information, see the section labeled “How HCAI Created this Product”. Kaiser, state, and psychiatric health facilities are not included, as they submit data differently than other hospitals. Per SB 343, Kaiser Permanente began submitting annual financial files for the 2022 fiscal year end by individual facility, similar to other hospital systems. Data for the year 2022 and subsequent years will reflect this change.
Note: Refresh the page to reset all views to their default values.
How HCAI Created this Product
- The data within the HCAI Hospital Annual Financial Data series was pulled from the facility-level information that all individual hospitals and hospital systems are required to report annually to HCAI. The information collected consists of data on services capacity, inpatient/outpatient utilization, patients, revenues and expenses by type and payer, balance sheets and income statements, all available in a complete dataset. The Selected Data Tables, condensed tables containing a wide range of the most commonly-used data items, were used to create the visualizations in the series. For more information about the data tables used, see the Hospital Annual Selected File – Documentation.
- Payer categories used in the Hospital Annual Financial Data series are based on the standard regulatory definitions used in reporting, sourced from the HCAI Accounting and Reporting Manual for California Hospitals. These definitions can also be found in the Glossary section.
- Definitions for relevant terminology and the calculations used can be found in the Glossary section.
For more information on the HCAI financial data products, please visit the following links:
Glossary Terms | Definition |
Total Assets | The sum of the following categories: Current Assets, Net Property, Plant, and Equipment, Limited Assets, Construction-in-Progress, Intangible Assets, and Investments, and Other Assets. |
Uncompensated Care | Represents the cost of care provided by hospitals where no payment was received. Uncompensated care costs include the following categories: Charity Care, Bad Debt, and County Indigent Programs Contractual Adjustments. |
Net Patient Revenue | Consists of the actual amount of revenue received from patients and third-party payers after subtracting the deductions from revenue from the sum of gross patient revenue and capitation premium revenue. |
Total Operating Expenses | Refers to the total costs incurred by revenue-producing and non-revenue producing cost centers for providing patient care. |
Operating Margin | Calculated by dividing operating income by total operating revenue and multiplying by 100. The result is expressed as a percentage. Positive numbers represent operating profit, and negative numbers represent operating loss. |
Cost-to-Charge Ratio | Obtained by subtracting other operating revenue from total operating expenses, then dividing the result by gross patient revenue. |
See the Hospital Annual Selected File – Documentation for a full glossary of relevant terminology.
Additional Information
Topic: Cost Transparency
Source Link: Hospital Financials
Citation: Hospital Annual Financial Data — Selected Data & Pivot Tables, 2014–2021
Temporal Coverage: 2014–2021
Spatial/Geographic Coverage: Statewide
Frequency: Annually