The Health Professions Careers Opportunity Program (HPCOP) supports a variety of programs designed to increase the number of underrepresented individuals in health professions training and working in health careers.

Health Professions Pathways Program (HPPP)
HPPP is designed to recruit and support students from underrepresented regions and backgrounds to pursue health careers.
HPPP now includes pipeline programs, summer internships, and post undergraduate fellowships. The next application cycle will include support for post- baccalaureate scholarships and programs that support justice and system involved youth.
HPPP is a competitive grant opportunity to award organizations that will develop and implement health professions pathways programs that can include pipeline programs, summer internships, and post undergraduate fellowships.
The HPPP application cycle opens on August 15, 2023, and closes on October 31, 2023.
Application Dates
- Opened August 15, 2023
- Closed October 31, 2023
Health Professions Pathways Program (HPPP) Webinar Recording
- 2023-24 HPPP Grant Guide
- 2023-24 HPPP Grant Guide Addendum 1
- 2023-2024 HPPP Technical Assistance Guide
Justice-System Involvement Youth: Behavioral Health Pipeline (JSIY BH Pipeline)
JSIY BH Pipeline is a grant opportunity for organizations to support and encourages underrepresented and disadvantaged individuals to pursue behavioral health careers to develop a more culturally and linguistically competent behavioral healthcare workforce, including providing comprehensive wrap-around supports. These supports include but are not limited to income and rent support, academic enrichment, career development, mentorship, and advising to support currently or recently system-involved students in attaining behavioral health careers.
The JSIY BH Pipeline application cycle opens on August 15, 2023, and closes on October 31, 2023.
Application Dates
- Opened August 15, 2023
- Closed October 31, 2023
Justice System-Involved Youth (JSIY) Behavioral Health (BH) Pipeline Application Webinar Recording
Health Careers Exploration Program (HCEP)
HCEP formerly Mini-Grants Program is designed to strengthen the educational and social foundations by providing direct and indirect program support for underrepresented and/or disadvantaged individuals interested in pursuing healthcare careers.
HCEP awards up to $25,000 to institutions to support conferences, workshops, or career exploration activities, exposing students to health careers.
Application Dates
- Opened August 16, 2024
- Closed October 16, 2024
- Health Careers Exploration Program (HCEP)Technical Assistance Webinar Presentation
- Health Careers Exploration Program (HCEP)Technical Assistance Webinar Recording
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