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focus areas for promoting high value# OHCA promotes high value system performance through its work in five focus areas. Across...
If your hospital is not listed above, please also check the policy archives.
Overview# The Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) is working with health plans, hospitals, and physician organizations to highlight examples...
The Total Health Care Expenditures (THCE) Data Submitter Workgroup is a forum for THCE data submitters to receive up-to-date information...
The Hospital Bill Complaint Program investigates patient complaints about hospital financial assistance and debt collection policies, notices, and website requirements...
There are other departments that you may contact for concerns about the following: (To search for a specific term/keyword, Windows...
Information Practices Act of 1977 Notice # The Information Practices Act of 1977 (California Civil Code section 1798.17) requires the...