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The Hospital Bill Complaint Program does not have jurisdiction (authority) over general billing or fee disputes. If you are not...
Policies# How can I review a hospital’s financial assistance policies? A hospital’s discount payment and charity care policies can be...
If you are unable to file a complaint online, or you need the patient complaint forms in a language other...
Hospital Bill Complaint Program investigates patient complaints and can assess administrative penalties against hospitals for violations of the Hospital Fair...
The Health Care Affordability Board is a decision-making body charged with setting statewide and sector-specific health care spending targets, appointing...
Purpose# Support the Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA), at the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), in...
The multi-stakeholder Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) Investment and Payment Workgroup provides input to OHCA on the development of...
Overview# In 2022, the California Health Care Quality and Affordability Act (SB 184, Chapter 47, Statutes of 2022) established the...
The Health Care Affordability Advisory Committee provides input on a range of topics, including: a statewide health care spending target...
Hospital Fair Billing Program (HFBP) is responsible for enforcement of the laws regarding health care debt and fair billing, as...