Cost Transparency
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Read the Healthcare Payments Data Program's Quarterly Newsletter for December 2023.
Visualizations on bed counts, discharges, staffing hours and other utilization information on California hospitals.
The Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series presents data visualizations built from the financial reports that all California hospitals are required...
From 2014–2021, comparable hospitals in California saw a 49.7 percent increase in total net patient revenue per adjusted discharge and...
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HCAI releases new data under its Health Care Payments Data Program.
Summary# This webpage includes all submitted 2022 Hospital Supplier Diversity Reports. The information contained in the hospital’s report on minority,...
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HCAI launches the Health Care Payments Data (HPD) Program’s first public report - the HPD Snapshot.
Overview # The Healthcare Payments Database (HPD) is California’s All Payer Claims Database or APCD. The HPD is a research...