Social and Community Impact with Data

HCAI’s Social and Community Impact with Data page highlights core data programs that provide transparency into the direct social and community impacts of California’s health care facilities. HCAI defines “Social and Community Impact” as programs providing transparency into efforts that address social injustices in the community.

Programs and visualizations in the Social and Community Impact with Data portfolio can also be found in Showcase and Topics sections.

HCAI creates visualizations and other data-based products from the information it manages. These products provide context to make data more useful and meaningful.

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HCAI produces datasets and data products from a variety of sources, including reports submitted to HCAI by nearly 9,500 licensed healthcare facilities as well as facility construction and healthcare workforce data managed in the administration of HCAI programs.


HCAI collects and manages data from dozens of health plans, thousands of health facilities and prescription drug manufacturers, and tens-of-thousands of healthcare workforce practitioners and produces a variety of tools to make the data useful and meaningful. This page includes a list of all available datasets.