The purpose of this policy is to update the pricing schedule for use of specified HCAI data products and services. It is the intent of HCAI to provide standard datasets, custom datasets, and data extractions at a reasonable and fair price to provide cost recovery for data production and timely, responsive service.

For Healthcare Payments Database pricing, please visit this webpage.

For a list of all freely-available open data from HCAI, please visit the HCAI Open Data webpage.

This policy update is effective August 2nd, 2021.

1. Confidential Data – Patient Discharge Data (PDD), Emergency Data (ED) and Ambulatory Surgery Data (AS):

California Hospitals and Public Health Departments:

California Hospitals and Public Health Departments are exempted from all charges.

University Researchers:

Research data requests are subject to the following pricing scale.

Patient Discharge Data (PDD)$500/Year
Emergency Department (ED) Data$500/Year
Ambulatory Surgery (AS) Data$500/Year
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Data$600/Year
Linked DatasetPricing
Linked Birth/PDD/ED/AS
Linked Death Probabilistic Version A/B
Linked Death – PDD
Linked Death – ED
Linked Death – AS
New Linked Death – PDD
New Linked Death – ED
Requesting Additional Variables for Existing Approved RequestsPricing
One Variable* $100/Year
Multiple VariablesPrices Above

*There will be a one-time allowance to add one variable to an existing approved study at the rate of $100 per data file year. If multiple variables are added, the datasets will be charged according to the full pricing schedule above.

2. Custom Data Linkages:

HCAI staff are able to perform deterministic linkages to confidential HCAI data for researchers able to provide a finder file. Linkage to one non-HCAI data source is $2,500. Each additional non-HCAI data source is $1,000 per linkage.

3. Custom Data analysis requests:

HCAI is able to provide Custom Data Analysis Request Services. Data are provided in an aggregate, de-identified format.  The cost for a Custom Data Analysis Request is $100 per hour. This includes consultation, product development, de-identification, and technical assistance needed to produce data products.

Students, nonprofits, and media can receive the first four hours of custom data services at no charge and subsequent hours at a rate of $100 per hour.

4. Waivers and Exemptions:

Hospitals that are authorized to receive data will not be charged a fee.

Note: Hospitals associated with a university will be evaluated against the CPHS definition of “Research” to determine if they qualify as a hospital or university.

Local Health Departments, CDPH, DHCS, and federal partners authorized to receive data will not be charged a fee.

Note: This may not include aggregate datasets obtained through custom analysis request.

Students who can demonstrate their project is tied directly to the fulfillment of their academic requirements can qualify for complimentary data. This includes, but is not limited to, a thesis, dissertation, or senior project.

5. Data Policies

Data previously provided to researchers can continue to be utilized complimentary.

New requests for data from research projects that have data that was previously provided complimentary must pay for any new datasets including new copies of data previously provided complimentary.

No years will be comped for organizations that do not qualify for a waiver.

6. Payment

HCAI accepts all major credit cards as well as checks. Data will not be released until payment is made in full.

If you have any questions regarding this policy or need assistance in requesting data, please contact