Los Angeles
11 - Los Angeles
Reporting Organization
Not Applicable
License No
Type of Control
Non-profit Corporation (incl. Church-related)
Report Period
01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021
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1. Policy Statement

Supplier Diversity Policy Statement

At City of Hope, diversity of skills, experience and cultural background are essential ingredients to providing compassionate patient care, achieving innovative discoveries, and advancing vital education focused on eliminating cancer and other life-threatening diseases in all our communities. We are dedicated to fostering a community that embraces diversity; this is reflected in City of Hope’s supplier diversity policy which affirms that certified diverse and small suppliers have the opportunity, access, and invitation to participate in proposals designed to engage suppliers. COH recognizes the need for and the benefits of sourcing and stimulating the growth of minority, women, veteran, disabled veteran, and LGBTQ+-owned, and historically underutilized business enterprises, as well as small businesses. We, therefore, are in the process of adopting a proactive policy of promoting, engaging, and providing equal access to business opportunities with diverse suppliers. We are committed to ensuring our purchases are procured through a fair and open competitive environment. To support this commitment, Procurement actively collaborates with internal business partners and with diverse suppliers to foster healthy and fair business relations. We understand that a diverse supplier base promotes innovation, provides multiple procurement channels for goods and services, and demonstrates our interest in and commitment to the health and economic growth of the communities where we work, live, and serve.

2. Supplier Point of Contact, Outreach and Communication

Supplier Point of Contact

Outreach and Communication

How does your hospital encourage and seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

DIVERSE SUPPLIER OUTREACH City of Hope’s Supplier Diversity Program initiatives seek to identify, solicit, and develop diverse business opportunities through both external and internal outreach efforts. External Outreach Efforts As we are in the early stages of our supplier diversity program, we continue to build on our outreach efforts to small and diverse suppliers and to the diverse supplier organizations, and this includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Engage and collaborate with supplier diversity organizations. In 2021, City of Hope became a member of the SCMSDC (Southern California Minority Supplier Development Council), with plans to join additional organizations in 2022. • Partner with supplier diversity organizations in support of programs for development and mentorship of diverse suppliers. • Participate in supplier diversity forums hosted by various groups across diverse organizations, industry groups, and city/municipalities that promote opportunities with diverse suppliers and as way to meet diverse suppliers. • Participate in matchmaking events, trade fairs, networking events and diverse supplier conferences to create and develop opportunities for diverse suppliers. • Our Supplier Diversity inbox ( is available for diverse suppliers to contact City of Hope about procurement opportunities. • Utilize various databases and platforms to track, identify and include diverse suppliers in our sourcing activities (competitive bids, contracts, etc.).

How does your hospital encourage its employees involved in procurement to seek out minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises to become potential suppliers?

Internal Outreach Efforts Our internal outreach efforts include communication and bringing awareness of supplier diversity, and collaborating with internal stakeholders to promote the use of diverse suppliers across our organization, which includes, but not limited to, the following: • Host diverse supplier introduction meetings. • Develop diverse supplier profiles and referral list. • Track and report our progress on supplier diversity metrics to socialize the inclusion of diverse suppliers. • Continuous collaboration with the Diversity & Inclusion Office to further the outreach across the COH enterprise. • Provide access to our Sourcing teams and utilize established databases to search and identify diverse suppliers for inclusion in bidding/sourcing opportunities. • Develop metrics to monitor supplier diversity inclusion in sourcing activities and a recognition program to celebrate and promote diverse supplier utilization. • We use reasonable efforts to incorporate diverse sub-contracting language into our agreements with prime vendors to encourage diverse supplier utilization.

How does your hospital conduct outreach and communication to minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

• We have a dedicated Supplier Diversity Manager that is a liaison for our diverse supplier community and our internal organization, including Procurement. • Host introduction meetings of diverse suppliers to our sourcing teams and organization. o Attend matchmaking and networking events to identify and solicit diverse suppliers. o We identify and outreach to diverse supplier networks and other organizations. • Utilize various external and internal databases and platforms, that house diverse supplier information to target outreach. • Established a Supplier Diversity inbox for diverse suppliers to reach COH Supplier Diversity. • Participate in supplier diversity forums hosted by various groups across diverse organizations, industry groups, and city/municipalities that promote opportunities with diverse suppliers and as way to meet diverse suppliers.

3. Diverse Supplier Spending

Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
African American $179,873.00 - $179,873.00
Hispanic American $644,200.00 - $644,200.00
Native American $56,985.00 - $56,985.00
Asian Pacific $3,781,370.00 - $3,781,370.00
Unknown Minority $13,236,541.00 - $13,236,541.00
Total $17,898,969.00 - $17,898,969.00

Diverse Procurement Spending by Other

For the reporting period, enter the dollar amounts procured by your hospital from those business enterprises that employ the majority of their workforce in California.

Business Ownership Tier 1 Procurement Tier 2 Procurement Total Procurement
Minority* $17,898,969.00 - $17,898,969.00
Women $4,736,011.00 - $4,736,011.00
LGBTQ - - -
Disabled Veteran $977,169.00 - $977,169.00
Less Duplicate Amount (-) - - -
Combined Total $23,612,149.00 - $23,612,149.00

*Total from the Diverse Procurement Spending by Minority table.

What is your hospital's total procurement (including diverse and non-diverse suppliers)?


4. Certifications and Third Party Procurement


How does your hospital support organizations that promote or certify minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprises?

City of Hope is a member of several diverse organizations and is proud to also provide support and serve on various committees promoting certification and on the mentorship program.

Do you require suppliers to be certified?


Do you accept self-certification?


Third-Party Procurement

5. Other Relevant Information

City of Hope's supplier diversity initiatives extend to opportunities for businesses in other diverse classifications including HBCU, Veteran Owned, Small, and Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. In 2021, this combined total, including spend with Small self-certified businesses, amounted to $68,845,951.47 in spend. See below table: TOTAL PROCUREMENT % OF TOTAL SPEND Diverse Procurement Spending – Minorities AFRICAN AMERICAN $179,872.68 0.03% HISPANIC AMERICAN $644,200.36 0.12% NATIVE AMERICAN $56,985.00 0.01% ASIAN AMERICAN $3,781,370.17 0.73% UNKNOWN $13,236,541.40 2.55% TOTAL $17,898,969.61 3.45% Diverse Procurement Spending – Other TOTAL MINORITY OWNED $17,898,969.61 3.45% WOMEN OWNED $4,736,011.26 0.91% LGBTQ OWNED $- DISABLED VETERAN OWNED $977,168.79 0.19% LESS DUPLICATE AMOUNT $- COMBINED TOTAL (M/W/SDVBE/LGBTBE) $23,612,149.66 4.55% Additional Information HBCU $23,985.00 0.00% SDB $16,892,262.68 3.25% VET $1,314,290.93 0.25% TOTAL $18,230,538.61 3.51% Total Diverse Spend $41,842,688.27 8.05% SMALL* $27,003,263.20 5.20% PROCUREMENT SPEND AMOUNT $519,501,095.00 100.00% *SMALL represents spend with self-certified business entities. As such, we are implementing a process to contact and encourage self-certified vendors to obtain certification from any of the third-party supplier diversity certification agencies.