Hospital Building Safety Board (HBSB)

About HBSB

The Hospital Building Safety Board (HBSB or Board) was established by Senate Bill 519 (Alquist) in the original Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act of 1973.

The purpose of the Board is to:

  • Advise the Director of the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) on the administration of the Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act, and
  • Act as a board of appeals with regard to seismic safety and fire and life safety issues relating to hospital facilities.

The Board is comprised of:

  • Sixteen board members appointed by the Director of HCAI from nominations submitted by professional associations, as specified in the Health and Safety Code: two structural engineers, two architects, one engineering geologist, one geotechnical engineer, one mechanical engineer, one electrical engineer, one hospital facilities manager, one local building official, one general contractor, one fire and panic safety representative, and one hospital inspector of record. Three more are appointed as public members. These appointed Board members serve 4-year terms with a maximum of two terms.
  • Six statutory ex-officio members, representing state agencies whose programs interface with the hospital design and construction program: Director of the Department of Health Care Access and Information, the State Fire Marshal, the State Geologist, the Executive Director of the California Building Standards Commission, the State Director of Health Services, and the Deputy Director of the Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development.
  • Three additional ex-officio members appointed by the Director of HCAI as desired. 

Board members maintain close contact with professional groups and important industry organizations to bring attention to changes and emerging issues occurring in the design and construction of health facilities in California.

The full Board meets on an as needed basis. Additionally, committee meetings are held throughout the year. All meetings are open to the public and interested parties are always welcome to attend.

Board Information:

Go to the HCAI subscription page and select Hospital Building Safety Board or its Committees to receive news and information.

HBSB 2024 Full Board

Appointed Members:

  • Louise Belair, Chair
  • Jim Malley, Interim Vice-Chair
  • Cody Bartley
  • David Bliss
  • Janice Cheung
  • Jennifer G. Cox
  • Michael L. Davis
  • Gary Dunger
  • Teresa Endres
  • Michael Foulkes
  • John Griffiths
  • Martin B. Hudson
  • Courtney B. Johnson
  • Scott Mackey
  • Farzad Naeim

Director-Appointed Ex-Officio Members:

  • Bert Hurlbut
  • Michael O’Connor

Ex-Officio Members:

  • Elizabeth Landsberg, HCAI Director
  • Daniel Berlant, State Fire Marshal
  • Jeremy Lancaster, State Geologist
  • Kevin Day (Acting), Building Standards Commission Executive Director
  • Tomás J. Aragón, M.D., Dr. P.H., Department of Public Health Director
  • Chris Tokas, HCAI Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development Deputy Director

Meeting Dates:

  • April 18 (Sacramento)
  • August 15 (Los Angeles)
  • December 10 and 11 (Sacramento)

HBSB 2024 Committees


Committee Members:

  • Michael Foulkes, Chair
  • Gary Dunger, Vice Chair
  • Louise Belair
  • Jim Malley

HCAI Representatives:

  • Joe LaBrie
  • Carl Scheuerman


Board Members: 

  • Michael O’Connor, Chair
  • Teresa Endres, Vice-Chair
  • Cody Bartley
  • Louise Belair
  • Jennifer G. Cox
  • Michael Davis
  • Gary Dunger
  • John Griffiths
  • Scott Mackey
  • Jim Malley
  • Farzad Naeim

Consulting Members: 

  • Mark Hershberg, KPFF Consulting Engineers 
  • Kelly Martinez, Hallsta, Inc.
  • Belinda Young, HOK

HCAI Representatives:

  • Brett Beekman
  • Larry Enright
  • Joe LaBrie
  • Roy Lobo
  • Bob Lyons
  • Mia Marvelli
  • Diana Navarro
  • Carl Scheuerman
  • Jamie Schnick
  • Nanci Timmins

Meeting Dates:

  • January 10
  • February 21
  • May 8
  • September 11


Board Members:

  • Scott Mackey, Chair
  • Cody Bartley, Vice-Chair
  • Louise Belair
  • Janice Cheung
  • Michael Davis
  • Gary Dunger
  • Teresa Endres
  • Bert Hurlbut
  • Courtney B. Johnson   
  • Jim Malley

Consulting Members:

  • Kelly Martinez, Hallsta, Inc.
  • Bruce Rainey, Jacobs
  • Belinda Young, HOK
  • Bill Zellmer, Sutter Health

HCAI Representatives:

  • Hussain Bhatia
  • Monica Colosi
  • Darren Graves
  • Joe LaBrie
  • Mia Marvelli
  • Jamie Schnick
  • Nanci Timmins

Meeting Dates:

  • February 8
  • May 22
  • August 1
  • September 26

Offsite Fabrication/Preassembled Components Webinar Development Subcommittee

Board Members:

  • Cody Bartley, Chair
  • Scott Mackey, Vice-Chair
  • Teresa Endres

Consulting Members:

  • Kelly Martinez, Hallsta, Inc.

HCAI Representatives:

  • Hussain Bhatia
  • Joe LaBrie
  • Mia Marvelli
  • Ali Sumer
  • Nanci Timmins

Meeting Dates:

  • February 28
  • March 26
  • April 24-RESCHEDULED
  • May 8 (afternoon)


Board Members:

  • Cody Bartley, Chair
  • John Griffiths, Vice-Chair
  • Louise  Belair
  • David Bliss
  • Janice Cheung
  • Jennifer G. Cox
  • Gary Dunger
  • Michael Foulkes
  • Scott Mackey

Consulting Members:

  • Eric Johnson, ECOM Engineering, Inc. 
  • David Lockhart, Kaiser Permanente

HCAI Representatives:

  • Larry Enright
  • Mia Marvelli
  • Carl Scheuerman
  • Jamie Schnick 
  • Nanci Timmins

Meeting Dates:

  • April 3- CANCELLED
  • October 9


Board Members:

  • Farzad Naiem, Chair
  • Jim Malley, Vice-Chair
  • Martin Hudson
  • Courtney B. Johnson
  • Jennifer Thornburg

Consulting Members:

  • Hamid Haddadi 
  • Moh Huang
  • Tony Shakal

HCAI Representatives:

  • Hussain Bhatia
  • Erol Kalkan
  • Roy Lobo 
  • Ali Sumer

Meeting Dates:

  • January 25
  • October 29


Board Members:

  • Jim Malley, Chair
  • Farzad Naeim, Vice Chair
  • Cody Bartley
  • Louise Belair
  • Michael Davis
  • Teresa Endres
  • Martin Hudson
  • Courtney B. Johnson
  • Jennifer Thornburg 

Consulting Members:

  • Mark Hershberg, KPFF Consulting Engineers 

HCAI Representatives:

  • Joe LaBrie
  • Roy Lobo
  • Mia Marvelli
  • David Neou
  • Carl Scheuerman
  • Jamie Schnick
  • Ali Sumer 

Meeting Dates:

  • March 6
  • July 17- RESCHEDULED
  • July 24- CANCELLED
  • October 23


Board Members:

  • Gary Dunger, Chair
  • Cody Bartley, Vice-Chair
  • David Bliss
  • Janice Cheung
  • Teresa Endres
  • Michael Foulkes
  • John Griffiths
  • Bert Hurlbut
  • Scott Mackey
  • Michael O’Connor 

Consulting Members:

  • Benjamin Broder, Kaiser Permanente
  • Eric Johnson, ECOM Engineering, Inc. 
  • Belinda Young, HOK

HCAI Representatives:

  • Hussain Bhatia
  • Larry Enright
  • Joe LaBrie
  • Carl Scheuerman
  • Jamie Schnick
  • Nanci Timmins

Meeting Date(s):

  • June 4
  • November 12

Activities & Resources

To see committee activities as well as previous committee meeting information, go to the HBSB Meeting Archives page.

HBSB Staff

Veronica Yuke
Acting Executive Director
(916) 440-8444

Marcus Palmer
Support Staff
(916) 440-8411

Evett Torres
Support Staff
(916) 440-8453

2020 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 800
Sacramento, California 95833
(916) 440-8453