Hospital Inspector Certification Examination


The Hospital Inspector Certification Examinations are based on the 2022 California Building Standards Code and Referenced Standards.

Examinations are scheduled in Los Angeles and Sacramento every six months in the spring and fall. Please contact the Inspection Services Unit for more information

Applicants meeting eligibility requirements may apply for an examination by submitting a completed application, supporting documentation and the required application review fee by the deadline shown in the examination schedule. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early. Upon approval, a confirmation notice of the test date and location will be mailed to the candidate. The candidate must provide written confirmation for the approval date and the examination fee no later than 10 business days before the examination date.

Final Filing Date: February 3, 2025
Exam Dates Sacramento: April 8-10, 2025
Exam Dates Los Angeles: April 15-17, 2025

Upcoming Certification Exam

Certification Types and Eligibility

Class A

The Class A Hospital Inspector may inspect all areas of construction including:

  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Fire and life safety
  • Structural

Minimum Qualifications for the Class A Hospital Inspector Certification Exam

  1.  High school graduation or the equivalent and six (6) years’ experience involving building projects of Type I or Type II construction as an architect’s, engineer’s, owner’s, local building official’s, or general contractor’s representative in technical inspection of major structural and nonstructural systems and
    components of buildings.
    NOTE: experience may be substituted with college education with major work in architecture,engineering, building inspection and/or construction on a year-for-year basis for a maximum of two (2)years; or
  2. Possess a valid California registration/license as a mechanical, electrical, or civil engineer and two (2)years’ experience involving building projects of Type I or Type II construction as an architect’s,engineer’s, owner’s, local building official’s, or general contractor’s representative in technical  inspection of major structural and nonstructural systems and components of buildings; or
  3.  Two years of satisfactory performance as a Class “B” Hospital Inspector of Record on hospital projects of significant scope and complexity as determined by OSHPD; or
  4. Possess a valid California registration/license as a structural engineer or a valid California license as an architect

Class B

The Class B Hospital Inspector may inspect only the following areas of construction:

  • Architectural
  • Mechanical
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Fire and Life Safety
  • Anchorage of Non-Structural Elements

Minimum Qualifications for Class B Hospital Inspector Exam

  1.  High school graduation or the equivalent and four (4) years’ experience involving building projects of Type I or Type II construction as an architect’s, engineer’s, owner’s, local building official’s, or general contractor’s representative in technical inspection of major structural and nonstructural systems and components of buildings.
    NOTE: experience may be substituted with college education with major work in architecture,engineering, building inspection and/or construction on a year-for-year basis for a maximum of two (2)years; or
  2.  Possess a valid California registration/license as a civil engineer and two (2) years’ experience involving building projects of Type 1 or Type II construction as an architect’s, engineer’s, owner’s, local building official’s, or general contractor’s representative in technical inspection of more than one major structural or nonstructural system of buildings (structural, mechanical, electrical or plumbing);or
  3. Possess a valid California registration/license as a structural, mechanical, or electrical engineer or a valid California license as an architect; or
  4. High school graduation or the equivalent, two years’ experience involving building projects of Type I or II construction as an architect’s, engineer’s, owner’s, local building official’s or general contractor’s representative in technical inspection of major structural and nonstructural systems and components of buildings, and possession of valid certification in all of the following four categories:
    • International Code Council (ICC) certification as a California Commercial Building Inspector (I1),
    • International Code Council (ICC) certification as a California Commercial Electrical Inspector (I2),
    • International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) certification as a California Plumbing Inspector,
    • International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) certification as a California Mechanical Inspector.

Class C

The Class C Hospital Inspector may inspect one or more areas of construction specialty, including but not limited to the areas listed in Section 7-204(c) 1 of the 2022 California Administrative Code, but may not inspect the complete scope of construction authorized for Class A and B inspectors. The Class C inspector must be OSHPD certified in the specialty area and possess a valid certification for the work to be inspected.

Minimum Qualifications for the Class C Hospital Inspector Exam

  1. High school graduation or the equivalent and four (4) years’ experience involving commercial or institutional building projects as the representative in testing, inspection or observation of construction for an architect, engineer, owner, local building official, local fire authority, testing lab, specialty contractor, or general contractor, and must possess a valid certification issued by an organization specified below:
    • Accessibility – Division of the State Architect Certification as a Certified Access Specialist (CASp)
    • Anchorage/Bracing of Nonstructural Components – Certification to be administered by OSHPD (Refer to the Acceptable Reference Materials for Exams page) Certification to be administered by the Office
    • Electrical – International Code Council (ICC) certification as a California Commercial Electrical Inspector
    • Fire Alarm – National Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technologies (NICET) certification in “Fire Alarm Systems, Level III” or International Code Council (ICC) certification as a Commercial Fire Alarm Inspector
    • Fire Resistive Construction – International Code Council (ICC) certification as a California Commercial Building Inspector
    • Framing and Drywall – International Code Council (ICC) certification as a California Commercial Building Inspector
    • Inspection and Testing of Water Based Systems – National Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technologies (NICET) certification in “Inspection and Testing of Water Based Systems, Level III”
    • Mechanical – International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) certification as a California Mechanical Inspector
    • Medical Gas Systems – National Inspection Testing Certification (NITC) Certification as Medical Gas Inspector 6020
    • Plumbing – International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) certification as a California Plumbing Inspector
    • Roofing – International Code Council (ICC) certification as a California Commercial Building Inspector
    • In addition to the experience requirements described in 2 and 3 below, the applicant must have certification corresponding to the Class C certification sought as identified above. The Office, at its sole discretion may accept
      the equivalent certification by other state or nationally-recognized organizations. Experience may be substituted with college education with major work in architecture, engineering, building inspection and/or construction on a
      year-for-year basis for a maximum of two (2) years; or
  2.  Possess a valid California license/registration as an engineer and two (2) years’ experience involving building projects as an architect’s, engineer’s, owner’s, local building official’s, local fire authority’s, specialty contractor’s or general contractor’s representative in testing inspection or observation of
    construction and must possess at least one (1) valid certificate issued by an organization that is listed or described in item 1 above; or
  3.  Possess a valid California license/registration as a civil, mechanical, or electrical engineer, or a valid California license as an architect and must possess at least one (1) valid certificate issued by an organization that is listed or described in item 1 above.

Final Filing Date: February 3, 2025
Exam Dates Sacramento: April 8-10, 2025
Exam Dates Los Angeles: April 15-17, 2025

Applying for the Certification Exam

Examination Content

Class A

An eight-hour test consisting of two parts:

Part 1

Part One consists of code questions (open book) which measures the candidate’s:

  • Ability to identify and understand the application of Chapter 7 of the 2022 California Administrative Code, the 2022 California Building Standards Code, and Referenced Standards.
  • Knowledge of appropriate inspector duties.
  • Ability to communicate in writing.

Refer to the Acceptable Reference Materials for Examinations web page for a complete list of codes and standards. Most questions are multiple-choice; however, there may also be true-false and/or essay questions.

Part 2

Part Two consists of questions on plan reading which measure the candidate’s:

  • Ability to read and understand construction documents consisting of plans and specifications of a hospital construction project.
  • Knowledge of appropriate inspector duties.
  • Ability to communicate in writing.

Most questions are multiple-choice; however, there may also be true-false and/or essay questions.

The test is divided into sections covering the following code enforcement areas of construction inspection:

  • Administrative, including inspector duties and responsibilities
  • Structural including anchorage and bracing of non-structural components
  • Architectural, including civil, accessibility
  • Fire and Life Safety (FLS)
  • Mechanical and Plumbing
  • Electrical

Class B

A six-hour test consisting of two parts:

Part 1

Part One consists of code questions (open book) which measures the candidate’s:

  • Ability to identify and understand the application of Chapter 7 of the 2022 California Administrative Code, the 2022 California Building Standards Code, and Referenced Standards.
  • Knowledge of appropriate inspector duties.
  • Ability to communicate in writing.

Refer to the Acceptable Reference Materials for Examinations web page for a complete list of codes and standards. Most questions are multiple-choice; however, there may also be true-false and/or essay questions.

Part 2

Part Two consists of questions on plan reading which measure the candidate’s:

  • Ability to read and understand construction documents consisting of plans and specifications of a hospital construction project.
  • Knowledge of appropriate inspector duties.
  • Ability to communicate in writing.

Most questions are multiple-choice; however, there may also be true-false and/or essay questions.

The test is divided into sections covering the following code enforcement areas of construction inspection:

  • Administrative, including inspector duties and responsibilities
  • Anchorage and Bracing of Non-structural Components
  • Architectural, including civil, accessibility
  • Fire and Life Safety (FLS)
  • Mechanical and Plumbing
  • Electrical

Class C

One-Hour Examination

For all Class C specialties except “Anchorage and Bracing of Non-Structural Components” and “Architectural” specialties, the Class C Hospital Inspector examination is a one-hour examination consisting of multiple-choice questions (open book) to measure the candidate’s understanding of Chapter 7 of the current California Administrative Code. To be successful in the Class C one-hourcertification examination, a candidate must obtain an overall minimum score of 75%. The Class C Section of the webpage will be substituted for the technical aspect of the examination for all Class C Hospital Inspector specialties except for the “Anchorage and Bracing of Non-Structural Components” and “Architectural” specialties.

Two-Hour Examination

For the “Anchorage and Bracing of Non-Structural Components” or “Architectural” Class C specialty, the candidate must take a two-hour examination consisting of multiple-choice questions (open book) to measure the candidate’s understanding of Chapter 7 of the current California Administrative Code, as well as applicable portions of the current California Building Standards Code. To be successful in the Class C two-hour certification examination, the candidate must obtain an overall minimum score of 75%.

If a certified Class C Hospital Inspector applies for additional Class C certification(s) within three years of passing the administrative section of the examination, additional certifications will be issued upon receipt of evidence of valid certification; it would not be necessary to retake the administrative examination. To add the “Architectural” or “OSHPD Anchorage and Bracing of Non-structural Components” Class C certifications to the applicant would have to present evidence of successful completion of the HCAI examination in these specialties.

Exam Details and Rules


All applicants must submit the “Application Review Fee” (non-refundable and non-transferable*) with the examination application. The Examination fee will be due once application is approved. All fees must be received no later than 10 business days before the examination date.

  • Application Review Fee (non-refundable/non-transferable*) – $100.00
  • Examination Fee (Class A or B) – $300.00
  • Examination Fee for each specialty (Class C) – $100.00

*The “Application Review Fee” is only applicable to one application and cannot be transferred to another Examination Classification (i.e. an Application Review Fee for the Class A examination cannot be transferred to the Class B or Class C Application Review Fee).

Fees shall be made payable to “HCAI.” Acceptable methods of payment are:

  • Company Check
  • Cashier’s Check
  • Money Order

Payments must be mailed to:

Department of Health Care Access and Information
Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development
Hospital Inspector Certification Program
2020 W. El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95833

Day of the Examination

The candidate should allow time to arrive to the examination location, check-in, and setup for the examination. Directions to the locations may be requested from HCAI, if needed.

Examination times* for Class A, B, & C:

Class A 
8:00 a.m.* – 5:00 p.m.

Class B 
8:00 a.m.* – 3:00 p.m.

Class C 
8:00 a.m.* or 1:00 p.m. (as scheduled)
Lunch period: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

*All examinations will start promptly at the beginning time listed above. Exceptions to these times must be approved in advance.


  • Must have received written approval and paid all fees to participate in the examination.
  • Must bring a valid form of photo identification with signature (example: a driver’s license).

Conduct Relative to the Examination

An applicant or candidate who participates in any of the following acts before, during or after the administration of the examination, shall be disqualified by the Office and not be eligible for certification. The applicant or candidate shall not engage in activities that would compromise the integrity of the examination including but not limited to the following:

  1. Violate any rules of the examination.
  2. Bring unauthorized reference material or electronic device(s) into the examination room.
  3. Copy any portion of the exam.
  4. Participate in collusion regarding the exam.
  5. Disclose contents of the examination questions to anyone other than a person authorized by the Office.
  6. Solicit, accept or compile information regarding the contents of the examination.
  7. Falsify documents required for the exam entrance.

Questions that seem ambiguous or incorrect may be challenged on the scratch paper provided. The challenge must be filed immediately upon conclusion of the test in writing. The challenge must include the question(s) and grounds for the challenge (i.e. incorrect code section, typographical error, etc.), examination date, and the candidate’s signature. Differing opinions on code interpretation are not grounds for challenge. The results of the challenge will be returned by mail. Make sure to mark the best answer; do not leave the challenged question blank.

Scratch paper is provided in your examination booklet and will be collected at the end of the examination.

Passing the Class A or B Examination

To be successful in the Class A or B examination, a candidate must obtain a minimum, combined score of 75% of the Code and Plans parts within each of these sections:

  • Administrative
  • Structural and Anchorage (Class A), Anchorage only (Class B)
  • Architectural
  • FLS
  • Mechanical & Plumbing
  • Electrical

A candidate who passes all sections of the Class “A” or “B” examination except one, and obtains a score of at least 50% in the one failed section, may retest in only that section. Failure to achieve a minimum score of 75% on the retested section will be considered failure of the entire examination. The candidate may apply for a new examination pursuant to the procedures explained in the Applying for the Certification Examination section at the top of this page.

Passing the Class C Examination

A candidate must pass one or both (for “Architectural” or “Anchorage and Bracing” examinations only) sections of the Class C examination.


Examination results will be mailed to the candidates approximately four weeks after the examination date.


A candidate who is successful in passing the examination will receive an HCAI Hospital Inspector Certificate and photo ID card. The candidate’s name, email address and telephone number will be posted on the HCAI list of certified Hospital Inspectors available to the public through the HCAI website.

Certification by HCAI:

  • Is valid for three (3) years from the date of issuance.
  • Must be renewed prior to expiration in accordance with the process explained under the Recertification
  • Does not guarantee job placement.

Duplicate Hospital Inspector certification cards may be issued to replace a lost, destroyed, or mutilated card by submitting a written request with the accompanying $25.00 duplicate certification fee.


A candidate who has failed an examination may apply to participate in a re-examination no sooner than six months from the examination previously taken by the candidate.


An applicant/candidate who is disqualified from an examination may not participate in an examination for a period of one year from the date of disqualification. Please refer to the “Conduct Relative to the Examination” section on this page for a list of inappropriate activities.

Rescheduling or Canceling an Examination Appointment

If HCAI reschedules an examination, HCAI will notify the candidates of the new date in writing. If a candidate is unable to participate on the new date, the candidate may reschedule within a 12-month period and fees will be transferred to the new date.

With a one week notice to HCAI, candidates who are accepted for an examination, but are not able to attend for any reason will receive a one-time transfer for a future examination. The examination fee collected from the first appointment may be applied to the new test date. A candidate may request to reschedule or cancel an examination appointment by submitting a written request or by contacting HCAI before the examination date. No refunds will be made for late cancellations or no-shows.

Request for Excused Absence from the Reserved Examination

All candidates seeking excused absences must submit written verification and supporting documentation of the situation to HCAI within 14 days of the original examination date.

The following are valid reasons for an excused absence:

  1. Death in the immediate family;
  2. Disabling traffic accident;
  3. Court appearance or jury duty;
  4. Military duty; or
  5. Illness (either the examination candidate or an immediate family member)

If a candidate is absent from an examination appointment and has not rescheduled or canceled according to this policy, HCAI will be owed the full examination fee for that missed examination session.

Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodation

Applicants must submit the Reasonable Accommodation Request form (pages 3-6 of Policy Intent Notice (PIN) 61) at least 30 days prior to the examination date. Please direct questions regarding accessibility and/or reasonable accommodation to Michelle Lachica at (916) 440-8484 or email

Reference Materials for Exams