1. Can a KB-TZ2 be substituted for KB-TZ anchors in the field, for projects that have are already approved by HCAI?

2. If an existing OPM specifies Hilti KB-TZ anchors, does it have to be updated to specify KB-TZ2 anchors in conformance with ESR-4266 (concrete) and ESR-4561 (Masonry)?
1) OPM applicant can decide if they would like to renew their existing OPMs to specify Hilti KB-TZ2 under ICC ESR-4266.
2) OPM applicant/engineer shall determine if their existing OPM using KB-TZ satisfies the requirements of ICC ESR-4266 for the KB-TZ2 substitution without submitting a complete renewal. This can range from a simple declaration letter to substantiation by calculations submitted to SSU/HCAI for review and approval.
3) Existing OPMs in projects under construction may follow similar process as existing projects (See flowchart).
4) New OPMs shall specify KB-TZ2.
5) Over time, it is expected t hat OPM applicants/manufacturers will gradually decide to renew their existing OPMs to specify the Hilti KB-TZ2 under ICC ESR-4266.