Latest Releases
In 2022 and 2021, just over one-third of all Inpatient (IP) hospitalization patients had a behavioral health diagnosis.
The Healthcare Payments Data (HPD) Services Report allows users to explore the types of healthcare services provided to Californians.
Visualizations on gross and net patient revenue, and operating expenses, income and revenue from California hospitals.
Visualizations on bed counts, discharges, staffing hours and other utilization information on California hospitals.
Visualizations on net revenue and operating expenses, operating margins, uncompensated care costs and other financial information on California hospitals.
Pediatric Quality Indicators provides hospital ratings across California, helping to identify areas for improvement in pediatric care and patient outcomes.
This visualization helps assess hospital performance and quality of care for multiple outcomes.
The Healthcare Measures Report presents a series of visualizations that allow users to explore the care and characteristics of Californians...
253 healthcare facilities (59.8 percent) gained market share from 2017 to 2022. 163 healthcare facilities (38.5 percent) lost market share...
The Healthcare Payments Data Snapshot is an overview of data currently available as submitted in the HPD System with visualizations...