Latest Releases
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Outcomes Report
Pediatric Quality Indicators provides hospital ratings across California, helping to identify areas for improvement in pediatric care and patient outcomes.
The Facility Patient Flow visualization shows the numbers and percentages of where patients come from (based on the patient point...
The 2023 Maternity Care Honor Roll recognizes 107 hospitals that met or surpassed the statewide target aimed at reducing births...
In 2022 and 2021, just over one-third of all Inpatient (IP) hospitalization patients had a behavioral health diagnosis.
This newsletter keeps stakeholders informed on programmatic updates to the HPD program.
From 2019-2020, persons experiencing homelessness (PEH) accounted for 3.0 percent of hospital encounters in California hospitals. The visualizations show the...
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Grants will Help Support Racial and Ethnic Groups Underrepresented in Medicine