California Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Outcomes Report, 2022

Eighty-three state-licensed hospitals performed TAVR procedures in 2022. The statewide in-hospital/30-day observed mortality rate was 2.27 percent.

The number of TAVR procedures have sharply increased nationwide and in California. This is the first California report for TAVR outcomes, and one of the first state-level reports in the country. It includes 83 state-licensed hospitals that performed TAVR procedures in 2022. The statewide in-hospital/30-day observed mortality rate was 2.27 percent.

Assembly Bill 133 (Chapter 143, Statutes of 2021) included revisions to existing law HCAI to expand cardiovascular outcomes reporting. In 2021, the HCAI Clinical Advisory Panel recommended the department proceed with hospital-level TAVR outcomes reporting. HCAI is required to use data collected by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS)/American College of Cardiology (ACC)-National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) from licensed hospitals to create annual reports of performance ratings.

The information in this report provides hospitals with performance measures they can use in their review of internal processes of care and quality improvement activities, helps payers and employers spend their healthcare dollars more wisely, and helps consumers make better informed healthcare decisions.

Key Findings

• The statewide in-hospital/30-day mortality rate for 2022 was 2.27 percent (187 deaths after 8,223 procedures). This compares to national 30-day mortality rate* of 2.1 percent for 2021 .

• After adjusting for patients’ pre-procedure health conditions, 98.8 percent of all hospitals were rated not significantly different from the statewide rate. One hospital was rated “Worse” than the statewide rate.

• The statewide in-hospital/30-day stroke rate for 2022 was 1.96 percent (161 strokes after 8,223 procedures). This compares to a national average 30-day stroke rate* of 2.0 percent for 2022.

• After adjusting for patients’ pre-procedure health conditions, 97.6 percent of all hospitals were rated not significantly different from the statewide rate. One hospital was rated “Better” and one hospital was rated “Worse” than the statewide rate.

This is the first California TAVR outcomes report. Continued annual reporting will allow for comparisons to be made year-over-year in the risk and quality of TAVR procedures.

*Source: STS/ACC TVT Registry data for all participating hospitals

Understanding the Data

This diagram explains how hospital performance is depicted in the visualization.

Data and Resources

For assistance with the TAVR Outcome reports, please contact us at

Additional Information

Topic: Healthcare Quality
Source Link: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Reports
Citation: HCAI – California Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Outcomes Report, 2022
Temporal Coverage: 2022
Spatial/Geographic Coverage: Statewide and County
Frequency: Annually