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When compared to the state average rates, 10 hospitals (3.8 percent) are rated “Above Average,” and 12 hospitals (4.6 percent)...
In 2021, 13.4 percent of transplant and tracheostomy hospital stays ended in a transfer to a different hospital, higher than...
The Patient Characteristics by County and Facility Data Visualization presents a calendar year overview of patients in general acute care...
The Hospital Performance Ratings Summary visualization brings together all of HCAIs risk-adjusted performance ratings into one convenient tool. Included are...
Trends in the Utilization and Mortality for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in California Hospitals.
This visualization is looking at patterns of home-based hospice versus facility-based hospice to understand how patients use these services and...
The Facility Patient Flow visualization shows the numbers and percentages of where patients come from (based on the patient point...
The Top Five MDCs for each hospital were identified from the number of encounters for each MDC from the Patient...
Visualizations on bed counts, discharges, staffing hours and other utilization information on California hospitals.
The Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series presents data visualizations built from the financial reports that all California hospitals are required...