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The Facility Patient Flow visualization shows the numbers and percentages of where patients come from (based on the patient point...
The Top Five MDCs for each hospital were identified from the number of encounters for each MDC from the Patient...
Visualizations on bed counts, discharges, staffing hours and other utilization information on California hospitals.
The Hospital Financial Data Interactive Series presents data visualizations built from the financial reports that all California hospitals are required...
From 2014–2021, comparable hospitals in California saw a 49.7 percent increase in total net patient revenue per adjusted discharge and...
In 2023, over 43 percent of California’s Health Workforce spoke a language other than English well enough to provide care.
Hispanic people represent more than 39 percent of California’s population but are underrepresented in every workforce category and region amongst...
In 2022, almost 500,000 surgeries were performed in 291 California hospitals for 11 cancer types. Over 80 percent of these...
Initial and Highest education levels differ significantly across Race & Ethnicity groups. Nearly 50 percent of White health professionals achieve...
The percentage of Registered Nurses choosing the Bachelor’s degree (BSN) pathway to licensure has increased substantially over time and is...