Cost Transparency
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HCAI selects Onpoint Health Data as its vendor to develop the all-payer claims database.
View data through the third quarter of 2020 on wholesale acquisition cost increases for prescription drugs.
Get the latest news on the Health Care Payments Data Program.
Overview# AB 80 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2020) provides HCAI (formerly OSHPD) the authority to establish the Health Care Payments Data (HPD) Program, often referred...
The Hospital Diversity Commission is comprised of stakeholders and experts who will advise and provide recommendations to the HCAI Director...
The Health Care Payments Data (HPD) Program Advisory Committee comprised of health care stakeholders and experts to assist and advise...
Assembly Bill 962 (Chapter 815, Statutes of 2019) requires the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to develop and...
Qualified Purchasers# Health and Safety Code § 127675 defines purchasers in California who are qualified to receive the 60-day advance...
CTRx Reporting# Health and Safety Code §§ 12679 – 127681 define the types of prescription drug cost transparency reporting manufacturers...
View data on wholesale acquisition cost increases for prescription drugs.