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This report provides quality ratings for the 126 state-licensed hospitals that performed isolated coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery during...
This Data Pulse presents information on patients who were alive at discharge and died within 30 days of discharge from...
This visualization shows the distribution of inpatient discharges by principal diagnosis group for each California hospital for years 2009 to...
Information about Notice of Penalty, Request for Administrative Hearing, and Request for Consolidation of Appeals.
This visualization shows hospitalization data for the three main types of weight loss (Bariatric) surgeries and examines trends in the...
Home Health Agencies (HHA) provide at home skilled nursing, personal care and therapeutic services.
The clinic annual utilization data includes two types of clinics: primary care clinics and specialty clinics.
Data reported by long term care facilities containing information on ownership and bed classification as well as patient demographics including...
Data reported by hospitals contains basic licensing information including bed classifications; patient demographics including occupancy rates, the number of discharges...
Available Data Products: Case Mix Index, County Frequencies, ICD-9/ICD-10-CM Code Frequencies – Diagnosis Codes, ICD-9/ICD-10-CM Code Frequencies – External Cause...