Submit Facility Utilization Data (SIERA)

Welcome to the SIERA Utilization reporting system!

The System of Integrated Electronic Reporting and Auditing (SIERA) is HCAI’s report collection enterprise system for facility utilization information.  The report was previously submitted via the ALIRTS reporting system.  Beginning with the 2018 Annual Utilization Report, utilization reports will be submitted exclusively on the SIERA system.  SIERA provides health facilities to easily submit annual utilization reports, view and revise submitted annual utilization reports, and view facility and license information.


2023 Annual Utilization Reports Update

Beginning January 1, 2024, users will have access to SIERA Utilization to submit their 2023 Annual Utilization Report. This SIERA Home Page will list the facility or facilities associated with your user account.  This is where you will begin the process to submit new reports and revise previously submitted reports from the prior report year.

The 2023 Annual Utilization Reports due dates are listed below.

Hospitals: February 15, 2024

Long-term Care Facilities: February 15, 2024

Primary Care and Specialty Clinics: February 15, 2024

Home Health Agencies and Hospices: March 15, 2024

SIERA Utilization QuickStart Guide Series

SIERA Utilization QuickStart Guides are topic-specific guides to assist users with SIERA Utilization’s features and functions.  Please check back as we post new topics regularly.

Annual Utilization Report Forms and Instructions

2023 Annual Utilization Report forms and instructions can be found on the links below.  Please select the facility type.

Additional Resources

Contact Us

For questions regarding the submittal of your utilization report through SIERA, or to submit feedback regarding the SIERA system, contact us via email address below:

Mailing Address

Department of Health Care Access and Information
Information Services Division
Utilization And Disclosure Reporting Section
2020 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 1100
Sacramento, CA 95833-6213