Seismic Compliance and Safety

Program Overview

Senate Bill 1953 (SB 1953) was introduced on February 25, 1994. It was signed into law on September 21, 1994, and filed by the Secretary of State on September 22, 1994. The bill was an amendment to and furtherance of the Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Seismic Safety Act of 1983 (Alquist Act). SB 1953 (Chapter 740, 1994), is now chaptered into statute in Sections 130000 through 130070 of the Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act, and part of the California Health and Safety Code. The regulations developed as a result of this statute are deemed to be emergency regulations and became effective upon approval by the California Building Standards Commission and filing with the Secretary of State on March 18, 1998. See an overview of the SB1953 Program.

The HCAI Office of Statewide Hospital Planning and Development (OSHPD) formed the Seismic Compliance Unit (SCU) after the passage of Senate Bill 1953 (SB 1953). This Unit is comprised of structural engineers and senior architects responsible for review and approval of the following submittals to OSHPD:

Click here to see Seismic Compliance SPC and NPC status and more for all facilities

Hospital Seismic Safety (AB 1882)

AB 1882 seeks to raise awareness of a hospital’s seismic compliance through public notices, hospital campus postings, and annual status updates.

Contact Us

For OSHPD Preapproved Agencies (OPAA), Details (OPD), Manufacturer’s Certification (OPM), and Special Seismic Certification (OSP) please see the Preapproval Programs webpage. 

For projects that involve construction, please use the eServices Portal.

OSHPD Survey

HCAI OSHPD is trying to obtain candid and ongoing feedback from its customers.

To help us do so, we ask that you complete this survey.

Additional Resources

Advisory Guides

eSP User Guides


SCU Past Webinars



CHHS Open Data Portal


SB 1953 Regulations

California Administrative Code

Code Application Notice (CANs)

  • CAN 1-6- – Removal of Acute Care Services (CAN 1.6- has been replaced by 2022 California Existing Building Code, Section 309A)
  • CAN 1-11.1 – Non-Structural Performance Categories

Policy Intent Notice (PINs)

  • PIN 13 – Lighting System Retrofit
  • PIN 32 – NPC-2 Seismic Bracing Upgrades (SB 1953)
  • PIN 45 – Converting a Senate Bill 1661 Project to a Senate Bill 499 Project
  • PIN 52 – Requests for Seismic Compliance Extension Under SB 90
  • PIN 53 – Requests for Seismic Compliance Extension Under SB 499 and SB 1661
  • PIN 71 – Compliance Plan Requirements for Participants in the Small and Rural Hospital Relief Program