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An awardee may receive up to $15,000 to repay educational loans for up to a 24-month commitment practicing and providing direct client care in an eligible site. Applicants can be awarded up to three (3) times.
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Hosptial Facilities Seismic Safety Legislation: AB2190, SB90, SB306 Extension , SB 499, and SB 1661
Program offers interest-free, working capital loans to nonprofit and publicly operated financially-distressed hospitals.
Numerical listing of all preapproved components with Special Seismic Certification (SSC) for use in California health facilities, with multiple search options.
The HCAI Preapproved Details (OPD) are standard architectural and engineering details developed by HCAI FDD for use in California heath facilities construction, at the discretion of Registered Design Professionals (RDP).
In this episode HCAI releases wholesale acquisition cost data on prescription drugs, a Song-Brown grant application cycle opens, and more.
All hospital construction work shall be continuously inspected by a certified hospital inspector approved by the architect and engineer in responsible charge, and by HCAI.