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The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ’s) Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) measure potentially avoidable hospitalizations for chronic conditions (including...
This report provides two risk-adjusted outcome measures for PCI mortality and post-PCI stroke. Also included are observed events for post-PCI...
The CA building seismic evaluation codes range from 1-5, with SPC-1 defined as “buildings posing a significant risk of collapse...
This visualization displays market share – where patients from a specific area go to for hospital inpatient, emergency department, and/or...
Diabetes is a serious, but manageable, disease. Keeping blood sugar levels within normal ranges can help prevent diabetes complications, such...
This report provides performance ratings on four key risk-adjusted outcomes: operative mortality for isolated CABG, operative mortality for CABG +...
Sixteen hospitals are now certified to perform elective PCIs without onsite cardiac surgery. This report provides two risk-adjusted outcome measures...
Thirteen hospitals are now certified to perform elective PCIs without onsite cardiac surgery. This report provides two risk-adjusted outcome measures...
283 physicians performed adult CABG surgery during 2017-2018 with an isolated CABG mortality rate of 2.33%. This report provides performance...
This report provides performance ratings on four key risk-adjusted outcomes: operative mortality for isolated CABG, operative mortality for CABG +...