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CABG Hospital 2017
View data on wholesale acquisition cost increases for prescription drugs.
228 healthcare facilities (51.1%) gained market share from 2013 to 2018.109 healthcare facilities (24.4%) lost market share from 2013 to...
There was a 66.7 percent increase in alcohol-related ED visits from 2008 to 2017, and a 36.9 percent increase for...
The rates of hospital-acquired severe sepsis vary when comparing hospitals. Small, urban, investor-owned and designated teaching hospitals have the highest...
276 physicians performed adult CABG surgery during 2015-2016 with an isolated CABG mortality rate of 2.44%.
Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (CABG) mortality rate reduced by 19% since 2003, the first year of California CABG...
This report provides quality ratings for the 126 state-licensed hospitals that performed isolated coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery during...
This Data Pulse presents information on patients who were alive at discharge and died within 30 days of discharge from...
This visualization shows the distribution of inpatient discharges by principal diagnosis group for each California hospital for years 2009 to...